Task Four: Female Entries

27 2 0

D1F- Elefana Mayhem


D2F- Ashlar Quentin

I stare at Him. Him, Holland Lennox the person I have to kill. How did I get in this situation in the first place? This is how it went:

It was night time on the third night and 14 people were still alive including me. I was lost in my own thoughts staring up at the sky, looking for the dead. But the anthem never came, something is going to happen fast, as I braced for the worst. Jade had ran off, not to long ago to get water and I was worried.

She was gone for about, 2 hours I thought I would go look for her. As I gathered my weapons, I saw a flash of red hair, zooming through the brush. It could be either Liliana or Jade, I turn to pick up my knife and tighten my grip on the handle.

The next time I see the flash of red hair, I'm on the ground with a figure on top of me. Weaponless, I wait for the excruciating pain, that would end my life.

I finally recognize the figure as Jace, or the Jace I once knew. She is shaking and her eyes are red. Bloodshot red, that looks as she has been swimming in blood. Her skin is pale as the moon, like a vampire. She is a dog shaking off the water off her coat.

"To the pools" she whispers

To the what? This is not Jace, but something much darker inside.

"To the pools" she says again in a medium tone voice.

Jace is possessed by some evil demon, so I pull my hand back and slap her in the face. She shows no pain, what so ever.

Where's the Jace, I know and trust?

"To the pools" she screams and runs away and I am stupid enough to run after her.

Left, right, straight, come on Ashlar you can do this. After five minutes I run out of breath, giving up panting when I see Jace stare at me. Not the real Jace, the blood red eye glare. She stares there as to see if I'm behind her. She is standing behind a thick of fog, and walks into it.

And I'm stupid enough to follow her. Once I step into the fog, I can't see then it all comes clear. All the other tributes stand there, around the fountain, staring at each other. I search the crowd for Jade and she stands looking scared, with no white face or bloodshot eyes.

It was all a trick.

The world around me spins. Gazette and Thaila walk up to me and start speaking.

"Welcome Tributes....."

Is the world spinning?

"fourteen of you dead not alive....."

I am going crazy.

"capitol wants blood.....,"

I am a psychopath, a murder, I want more blood.

"pairings were you have to kill....."

I am thirsty for blood enough with being a underdog.

"Holland and Ashlar......"

That boy will be dead in thirty seconds.

Right after she says my name smoke appears in front of me.


Here I am staring at my prey, knowing he is very smart. I am not going to win being predictable. So, I am going to use it against him.

"So, we meet again, Holland."

"Ashlar, Ashlar you're already dead."

"Really, well we will just have to wait, see I am not sweet and innocent, I deceived everyone including Dylan. And you're the going to be the first one to feel the wrath,"

Weapons appear right in front of my very eyes, two of them being my precious swords and knives. But I don't take them, instead I stand there. I go over the plan in my head:

1. Be smarter than Holland.
2. Not die.
3. Kill Holland.

I take in my surroundings it is a room with a ceiling and doors that are shut in a white room. I know notice a rope in my hands, Jade ,must have snuck it to me. Hope she survives. In the middle of the room is like a cornucopia setting but only with weapons me and Holland desire.

"Fight now!!!" screams a voice over the intercom.

I take it as time when Holland goes running to hoist myself up on the ceiling. Since, he doesn't have a long ranged weapon. He goes dashing for the weapons, as I observe there is a hook on the ceiling perfect for a rope. I throw the rope on the hook and carefully and quietly hoist myself up the ceiling. Bringing the rope up with me, Holland will know I'm up here but he can't use throwing knives.

"You are so stupid, Ashlar" Holland says walking toward me hanging on the ceiling.

"How stupid do you think I am? When I walk over you are going to jump on my back and choke me to death."

"Really stupid," I say under my breath as my I snuck a knife from the pile and am tying it on the rope about to drop on him.

I release the rope from my hands as it goes soaring down and hits him in the shoulder.

"I will kill you, Ashlar."

"Isn't that what we are supposed to do, Holland."

As I jump down from the rope and hurt my leg, and cry in pain. Holland recovers and walks over with a malicious smile. I hold a smile knife behind my back waiting for him to come to finish me off.

"Ashlar, Ashlar say your final prayers, because you are finished."

He raises his sword and I take it as a time to stab him, and he topples over. I pull the knife out and start to stab him until I feel a pain in my stomach and topple over and take a final breath.


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