Task Three: Male Entries

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D1M- Holland Lennox

The haunting images of last night taunt me. I can't get the dying face of Rowan out of my mind. Every time Aidan looks at me, his eyes are full of disgust and malice. Maybe I'm mistaking grief for hatred, but I still feel responsible.

After the bloodbath, Aidan cried himself to sleep. Every sob was like a knife to my heart telling me that I failed. Then, a wolf came up and was all like why is he crying.

So like there was this wolf. So adorbs! It was super cute and like OMG I love dogs but wolves are mean and like bite people #nothat'smean And like is was the cutest thing ever. I named it Jeremy, but it was like "no, botch, I'm already named Kasely." And I was like "fine, JEREMY, I don't really even like you you doge" and it was like "And guess what I'm not a doge. I'm a wolf!" Then he like called a suppper scary wolf cry #soscary and I cried #crierytime. Then he tried to bite me but I kno karate so I was like "hiyahhhhhh no botch and I karate chopped it and it cried. But then all the other wolf babies came and I was like "go away I cri" but they didn't and they like killed that guy and he got blood all over my clothes like gross? Manners much? Anyway he died :) and I killed this other girl who was like supppper annoying but she like came back to life and kill the wolfs but died again then another guy just died. Idk y he died, but he did and he was annoying. ugh.

D2M- Dylan Kirsten

I can't keep myself from thinking about the events from earlier. Rowan had gone out, saying that she had to go to the bathroom. The rest of us started worrying, for she hadn't come back and it had been an hour. Aidan soon volunteered to go out and get her.

Put simply, he had come back empty handed.

Even now, her absence is still noticed and all five of us can't find a moment of solitude without the thought of her entering out minds.

I've volunteered to take first watch, and it is much needed. An hour of adrenaline is enough to wear you down for an entire day. In fact, the whole alliance was worn down and ended up spending the rest of the day hunkered in the food court.

The food court. Not much of one if you ask me, for all the food are holograms, worthless lights, crowding up the area.

Soon, the moonlight disappears as the moon vanishes above the window. My time is up. I quickly shake Holland's shoulder and get up. He sits up and rubs his eyes slowly, "It's time?"

I nod, "You have until the anthem plays," I say, stretching.

"I know that," he says bitterly, then frowns as he looks at me, "You should wash the blood off your face, unless you want to look like a cannibal."

I smile slightly at that, hardly holding back my laugh, "I'll head to the fountain and wash off then," I say, heading to the door.

"Be quick then. I don't want to be blamed for loosing one of our alliance," he says.

I roll my eyes as I reach the door, "Whatever," I say as I walk out.

I walk silently, taking light steps on the linoleum floor. It seems that each step I take, it gets louder. I awkwardly step onto a plastic candy wrapper. I look around and quickly shuffle to the door. Once there, I open it and let the warm city air rush past me. The wind blows ever so slightly, causing a slight chill to run down my spine.

It's actually quite warm tonight, but as I know, a tropical forest can turn into a frozen tundra in ten minutes flat. Or the other way around, depends really on how you look at it.

As I step out and close the door behind me, I notice a flicker of movement out of the corner of my eye. I turn, but see nothing. I frown and start my walk to the fountain, until something nudges my hand. I jump in surprise and turn to see an animal, half my size, staring up at me, brown meets blue. It's a dog.

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