D1F: Elefana Mayhem

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Name: Elefana (Ele- Fa- Na) 'Effie' Mayhem

Age: 17

Sex: Female

District: 1

Physical Description: Think of the most gorgeous girl you know. Now double that. Yep, Effie is more attractive than that. The golden blonde hair that falls from the top of her head to the bottom of her back, shines like the sun on a summer day. Her blue eyes, that almost look purple, sparkle in the sun anytime she moves her face. Her lips are always ruby red and the freckles sprinkled around her cheeks perfectly frame her nose. Her figure is slim, yet broad with a tiny waist and broad hips and she stands at 5' 6".

Background: Effie was never the way she is before. She used to be nice and sweet, but her parents pushed her into training harder and harder for the games. When Effie's older brother died, thats when she really started to take things seriously.

Personality: Stuck-up, snobby, and rich. Yeah, shes that girl. The kind of girl who will turn up her nose at anything "dirty" or "conventional".

Weapon of Choice: Throwing knives

Strengths/Weaknesses: S: She's a very fast runner and she's trained for many years of her life W: She's not the best at making allies because of the way she was brung up

Token: A little heart necklace her brother gave her before he died

Reaped/Volunteered: Volunteered

Reaction/Reason: She's a career. Its her dream to be in the games.

Alliances: Yes

Other: Mixtape

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