D8F: Lacey Anthis

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Name: Lacey Anthis

Age: 17

Sex: Female

District: Eight

Physical Description: Lacey has really long blonde hair that falls in beautiful waves down her back. He eyes are a piercing blue. Her eyelashes are the one thing she dislikes about her appearance as she feels they are too light and don't bring out her eyes enough. She is 5'6" tall and has a very slim frame with barely any curves at all.

Background: Lacey hates her industrial surroundings in District eight. She feels that a place where the most creative and artistic people live should be brighter and happier than it is. She loves clothes and one day aspires to be one of the top fashion designers in the whole of Panem but her parents feel she shouldn't set her goals so high and she should prepare herself for working in the factories like they do.

Personality: Lacey is strong and very determined to get what she wants. She will do anything to prove herself capable of being the best, no matter what the cost. She feels isolated in her District, like no one there appreciates her. The more she tries to stand out the more people will ignore her and she hates it so much.

Weapon of Choice: Blowgun

Strengths/Weaknesses: She is smarter than she appears and she is determined to win / She isn't a skilled fighter and doesn't like sharing the spotlight.

Token: A silver and blue hair clip

Reaped/Volunteered: Volunteered

Reaction/Reason: To get away from the bleakness of her district and experience the admiration she deserves. If being in the Hunger Games and killing innocent children is what she has to do to get recognised she will.

Alliances: She is open to an alliance.

Other: Mixtape

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