Task Six: Female Entries

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D1F- Elefana Mayhem


D2F- Ashlar Quentin


D3F- Liliana Lumen


D4F- Rowan Reed


D5F- Seralia Scarre


D6F- Majory Redrail


D7F- Avery Woodswroe

Dylan stands on his plate. His eyes are filled with worry as he stares at me, Avery, trying to figure out what the hell happened. As am I. My memory only can grasp little bits and pieces, but I remember being lifted out of the arena and then nothing. And now I'm here.

I feel rather dizzy and a tad sick. I have blisters on my hands, a gash on my left arm and a burn wound on my right leg. There's a wound right on my knee cap, and it burns like crazy. Out of all my fellow tributes, I seem to be the least harmed, with Dylan and Liliana. Why wouldn't they hurt our alliance? Do they want to see one of us win? If they do, it's probably Liliana. The sweet, cute girl from 3. An underdog.

The arena looks different. The pavement is bloodstained and the Cornucopia is no longer the shimmering gold it once was, now a dull color. The skyscrapers are more like towering giants, ready to fall at any moment. And the once bright sky is now nothing but a stormy monster. I hate it. I hate it all.

I wish someone could stop these Games. When I volunteered I was a rash, stupid and arrogant girl who thought she had no fears. But this arena has changed me, like all Victors say it does. I am no longer the girl that doesn't care, the girl who doesn't value anyone, the girl who doesn't love. This arena had made me realize that my days are numbered. I should care about every person I meet, wish nothing bad on them. And I should love. I wish I could go back and apologize to everyone, say sorry for being a stone cold bitch. But I can't. Because I'm here, trying to prove I'm strong. Because I volunteered myself for it.

Two more plates click up, but they're empty, no one on them. Well, there's a hologram on each. One is a hologram of Jace and the other is Majory. They must've died. It shows each of the girls as though they were still living. They're both smiling, playing with their hair, looking around. Of course the Capitol would do this. It's the perfect way to hit the Districts, hard; Pretending that the two girls are still alive.

"Hello tributes... This, as you may notice, is a Feast. You all desperately need something... Something to heal you. We have never let you kill each other in past gatherings, so here is your chance. In the Cornucopia, is medicine, and only medicine. You have to find the right one for you. The vials are not numbered, nor have your name on them. You must rely solely on your instincts. Good luck tributes." One of the evil Gamemakers, Thalia, tells us in a monotone voice.

The holograms of Jace and Majory burst into thin air, and the countdown begins.

At 3, I nearly lose it. I just want this to be over. I just want to go home.

The gong rings and I try my best to jump off the plate. Dylan runs over and helps me, seeing as he is the least injured, compared to Liliana and I. He wraps his arm around my and helps me run to the Cornucopia. After about five feet, I hear a scream and then see Ashre fall to the ground. He's not dying, but is definitely in pain. Keon stops fighting Oakley and runs to the boy. Oakley glances up, grabs a random vial and runs off swigging it. One vial gone.

Liliana shouts at us to hurry, and grabs three vials. She shrieks and drops all three. Liliana yells something about Iris, failing her, breaking a promise. That hallucination must have hit her hard. She then picks one vial up, her eyes seeming glassed over and runs to the mattress shop that the three of us had camped out in. And the one night the Liliana was gone for a bit and we had some fun... But that was the past. Now there's two vials gone.

We're ten feet away from the Cornucopia when I collapse. My head is spinning, my body is bleeding and my stomach is aching. Not the recipe for a good tribute, let alone a Victor.

"Avery!" Dylan cries.

I weakly point to the medicine vial. And I thought we were the least hurt. Obviously not. Our bodies may be less scarred but they've done something, something to make us weak and disoriented. As soon as he sees me point to the vial, Dylan is running towards it. He scoops two up in his hand, and begins running towards me, a goofy smile on his face, happy that we will be healed. And that is when crossbow bolt tears through his stomach.

"Dylan!" I try to scream, almost as though I am the one with a bolt in my body.

He crumpled to the ground and the vials roll out of his hand. One rolls towards me and I reach out to intercept it. It lands in my hand and I scramble to get up and run to Dylan. I pour the medicine down his throat.

"C'mon..." I mumble, nearly begging.

He simply smiles, his eyes fluttering.

A single tear traces down my cheek. Then, shakily, I stand, holding a small knife that I always kept with me. I have no idea how Keon got that crossbow but he must have stored it away somewhere around here. Ashre lies behind him, his chest still rising and falling.

"You can't hurt him." Keon says.

"Bring it." I try my best to sound intimidating.

I run at him and lift my knife over his head. Keon spins out of the way and I feel a slight pain in my lower back. He must've hit me with a knife. I whirl around and face him. Out of nowhere, he lunges behind me, towards Dylan and I scream. But he doesn't try to hurt the dying boy anymore than he already has. Instead he grabs the last two vials. Naturally the Capitol would only have six vials and seven tributes.

I lunge at him, desperate for that vial. But he surprises me. Keon grabs my wrist, turns my knife around, and jabs it into my neck.

I drop like a stone. I can feel my breaths becoming weaker and weaker, blooding filling my lungs. Keon's sad face is above me, and I can numbly feel him lift me up and place my next to Dylan. Dylan, who is somehow still alive but still dying, puts his hand in mine and the two of us lie, holding hands.

"I love you Avery." Dylan mumbles.

And the two of us lie, hand in hand, as dying lovers, until the world glasses over and my sight turns to darkness.

D8F- Lacey Anthis


D9F- Nikki Duran


D10F- Xiomara Aguilera


D11F- Millie Pierce


D12F- Jade-Grace Rojas


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