Task Four: Male Entries

35 3 0

D1M- Holland Lennox


D2M- Dylan Kirsten

I wake up slowly and sit up. I'm on a mattress. I yawn and get up and onto my feet, only to be greeted by pain. It isn't just pain...it's excruciating pain. My limbs feel like they've been pulled off and glued back on.

I look around and see that I'm in some sort of giant room. In it is a whole lot of mattresses. Each of them has a giant sticker on them that has some sort symbol and some numbers. I look down at the mattress I was laying on and see that this sticker sports a "$331".

I sigh and walk a little more, soon finding out that the clothes I am in are slightly damp. I take off my shirt and look at it. It's stained red. I rub a small splotch of the red, and it hardly comes off. I set down the shirt and notice that my thumb is now red. I wipe it on my pants.

Suddenly, the door on the far side of the room opens and I jump in surprise. She brings me back to reality. I'm Dylan Kirsten. I'm in the Hunger Games. I'm part of an alliance. Avery Woodswroe is apart of that alliance.

"Are you alright?" she asks quietly, sitting on the bed.

"Yeah, why?"

"You lost a lot of blood," she states blandly, looking at my shirt.

Then it hits me. All of what happened last night. It comes in bits. The dog, Kasely. I went out to wash some blood off of my face. I found Kasely. While I was washing the blood, Kasely suddenly turned into a...wolf. That's all I remember.

"Then why isn't there a lot of blood on me?"

"We had to wash it off," she says.

I raise my eyebrows, curious, "And how did you wash the blood off?"

Her cheeks suddenly seem to redden, "Well, we kinda had to take off your clothes--all of it--and wash it in the fountain. Then we poured some water on you...to get the blood off."

I look at her in shock, "You literally--"

"Yeah, but it was only me who did it."

I sigh, "That's wonderful," I say, hardly caring if she caught the sarcasm in my voice. Or the fear.

"Holland wanted nothing to do with it, and Liliana...I think she's a bit too young to see that kind of stuff..."

I take a deep breath, "Well then," I say, thinking of a way to change the topic, "what about Aidan?"

She sighs, "He ran away after the wolves attacked...I think your District partner killed him..."


She nods solemnly, then smiles, "You look seriously dorky without a shirt," she smiles.


She shrugs and gets up, "You just do."

I smirk, "I bet you'd look even dorkier if you were the one without a shirt," I say, then laugh as her eyes widen.

She gives me a smirk full of determination, "Wanna bet?"

"It's on."


That night I curl up into a ball on a mattress and close my eyes.

There's suddenly a laugh behind me and I open my eyes and see that it's Avery. I sigh, "What do you want?"

"You just look so funny," she says, "The big bad career, curling up in a little ball," she says mockingly, bursting into another laugh attack.

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