D12M: Keon Ristarria

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Name: Keon Ristarria (KEY-UN RIS-TAR-REE-UH)

Age: 18

Sex: Male

District: 12

Physical Description: Keon is quite short for his age, standing at only a mere 5"6 he is quick on his feet. With his midnight shade of brown hair, and popping cinnamon eyes, he sure stands out in a District where you spend your whole life trying to be invisible. Working in the mines has made him well built, as well as being the main producer for his family. His bares the scars of his past with pride, and the deep gash that runs along his cheekbone means nothing to him anymore.

Background: He's always had a rough past. Constantly finding himself in street fights, not standing to sit around while he could be doing something. Even if that meant dying for the things he was most passionate about. Keon has a strict relationship with his family. Everything that he's ever loved has always been stripped away from him, so he's always been hesitant to love and endure. He cares for his family, but nothing more, and in return they respect all he's done. After his youngest brother died of the plague, along with his father, Keon's mother hasn't spoken a word to him in years.

Personality: He's a very closed off and mysterious guy. Keon is the type of person that little kids would be afraid of when walking past him. Something that he realizes and fazes him more than it should. The only person that managed to get past his cold front is his best friend Meyer, they met when he sneaked into the woods to hunt. Once you do that he's a wildfire. Full of the dirtiest jokes, witty comebacks and the craziest of stories.

Weapon of Choice: Knives or Crossbow

Strengths/Weaknesses: His inability to trust others for long term will probably cost him many things. Of course he's an amazing actor. With his dazzling looks and sneaky charm, he'll make sure he survives and wins the hearts of all the people of Panem. The shy and "scared-out-of-his-pants" act will be his everything until he reaches the Arena. Another thing that will probably catch him off guard is edible plants, those are myths to him. Something that could be a very lethal mistake.

Token: A leather dog tag necklace that he's had tied to him since the day his father forced it into his hand on his deathbed.

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped.

Reaction/Reason: Keon was reaped on his last year, something he didn't take lightly. He refused to see anybody, too afraid the Capitol would see and find a way to turn Meyer against him. Instead he set to utter chaos. Punching and knocking out two Peacekeepers, while managing to completely demolish everything in sight. But of course that was all... Confidential.

Alliances: Keon is all for alliances, but beware, stab him in the back and he might literally stab you in the back. Don't worry though, anyone that isn't afraid to get on his good side won't be taken lightly. He'll make sure to respect them. Just PM.

Other: He extremely likes rain. :)

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