D3M: Judas Corwell

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Name: Judas Corwell

Age: 12

Sex: M

District: 3

Physical Description: Light hair, blue eyes. Short, skinny.

Background: His mother left him when he was three to his abusive father. His father drink and smashed a bottle on Judas' little sister. Her name is Elena and she was only two. She killed herself when she turned ten because of their father. If Judas comes back, he will kill his father.

Personality: Pessimistic. "Dull and ugly," like Henna once said.

Weapon of Choice: Knives. They're small like him.

Strengths/Weaknesses: S- small and can hide. Smart. W- can't run or swim or climb. Not attractive.

Token: A bottle cap to remind him why he volunteered.

Reaped/Volunteered: V

Reaction/Reason: He wanted to kill everyone, and now he can.

Alliances: Yes, although he'd kill them later.

Other: He will come back a Victor. Just you wait.

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