Task Four: Simulation

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*Valentes has just dropped out, so I decided to post this. Voting is "officially" (?) closed. *


After the attack sent from the Gamemakers, your tribute is given a short break. You are allowed to sleep the rest of the night and much of the morning. The anthem shakes you awake. The face of the fallen are hard to see, but you recognize the tributes immediately.

Elefana Mayhem (D1F), Aidan Dowey (D4M), Valentes Wiggerford (D9M), and Xiomara Aguilera (D10F).

Forgetting the images, you look down at yourself and all your scars from last night seem to have been cleaned. How peculiar. The sun beats down on you. All you really want is a shower to clean the dirt and sweat accumulated on your body. You try to recall any sight that has some water.

The fountain, you think. But after last night's attack, you don't want to go back there. There is that fact, and also a hardly-audible whisper in your ear. The voice belongs to Gazette. After the wounds were cleaned, a small chip was implanted in your ear. Half of the tributes have Thalia and the other half have Gazette in their brain.

"To the pools," they whisper. It sounds as if someone is close by, and technically they are. They're inside you after all. You gather your supplies, but the voice stops you again, "No. Leave them here." You oblige.

You begin the journey down many strange streets. It takes ten minutes for you to reach the pool. When you're there, you realize that everyone is there just like last night. And like you, they are also weaponless. What am I supposed to do?

A holographic image appears and you see the lovely Gazette and stunning Thalia. "Hello, tributes. As you can see, we've gathered you all here for some er...interesting circumstances," you try to take this in and Thalia picks up from where Gazette left off.

"The Capitol wants blood, we want blood. After three days, only ten of you are dead. There should be ten of you left, not ten of you deceased!"

Gazette glares at Thalia for her outburst. "We will grant the Capitol what it pleases. Therefore, at random, we have assorted you into pairings. Each pair will be locked in a simulation, with no real harm during the process. One of you in the simulation must die. After that, we will allow the Capitol to vote for who had the worst performance. And those four will die at the hands of those who killed them in simulation."

Thalia nods curtly, "And the pairings are...

1. Holland Lennox and Ashlar Quentin

2. Dylan Kirsten and Avery Woodswroe

3. Liliana Lumen and Keon Ristarria

4. Seralia Scarre and Ashre Relicks

5. Majory Redrail and Millie Pierce

6. Oakley Awl and Rollo Dickson

7. Lacey Anthis and Jade-Grace Rojas

-good luck!" She finishes off. The image disappears into thin air and you are pulled into the room with your "partner." You will stop at nothing to kill them.

The Task:

You and another tribute will fight to the death, in a more literal sense. Damage them as much as you can; your performance decides whether you live or die, now more than ever. Make this even more creative than the mutt. All weapons are available to you, even if you did get a pencil or something pathetic in the Bloodbath. Once you emerge victorious, the weapons will disappear and you will stay in the simulation room. You and the tribute you just "killed" are under a flag of truce for now.


Because of this task, your "partner" will be the sole entry kill. And also because of this task, there will be three ballots per person. Eight of you will be put up for votes, and four will be eliminated.


To make things fair, I did the pulling of the slots three times. Coincidentally, the first time I pulled Keon and Ashre; the second round I pulled out Avery and Liliana. While these pairings didn't make me do a third round, they would be heartbreaking. Sadly, on the last round I pulled Dylan and Avery together.

Word Limit: 2, 250 words.

Due: Due August 30th at 6 pm, PDT.

Only ten of you will remain after this task. Good luck.

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