D3F: Liliana Lumen

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Name: Liliana Lumen

Age: 14

Sex: Female

District: 3

Physical Description: Liliana's wispy red-brown hair complements her bright green eyes, which are often glimmering with tears. Her small mouth is in a neutral position from years of sobbing and her light skin is blotched with rosy red cheeks. She's a little bit below the height and weight average of a 13 year old and her spine is slightly curved forward from the hours she's spent hunched over her books or project.

Background: As a child, Liliana spent a lot of her time weeping in the corner of her room, none of her so called friends appreciated all the friendship Liliana gave to them. She didn't know why they had treated her so badly, and suddenly- at least it seemed sudden to Liliana- they pulled away from her. Leaving her alone to suffer in her depression. Iris Lumen, Liliana's older sister, was the only one that kept Liliana up and going. She supported all her studies and works. When they were together, Liliana forgot all the broken chains in her friendship. Iris was always by her side... Until she was Reaped into the Hunger Games. At that time Liliana was only 7 and Iris was 12. It was very hard to let her go into the games. So, Liliana gave Iris a token. It was her locket, containing a picture of her and Iris, as young children. Iris didn't live for long. The District 5 Female, whom Iris had allied with, turned on her the first night. It was a brutal murder. Her sword piercing the 12 year old's heart and twisting, until Iris's corpse lay lifeless in a pool of crimson blood. Liliana was swept into a deep depression after the killing of her sister. She spent school time hiding out in the corner of the library, not speaking to anyone, and soon she became devoured by the words. She read and read for hours- studying ancient American things, such as Shakespeare, she studied best techniques for working a hand to hand weapon, reading about Panem's history. Her parent's left her to be, afraid if they came to her, Liliana would break down or explode with an angry comeback. Liliana dedicated her time to earning as much education as she could. She gain this knowledge and when she was caught up in a rather interesting article, she would forget about everything. Soon enough, she spent hours locked up in her room, creating paper contraptions or hovercraft models that flew with the push of a button. It took her mind off the past and the future.

Personality: From the beginning, Liliana had always been a shy girl, not very popular, and a little weak on the inside. She was sensitive- with one tiny step in the wrong direction, she would burst into tears. Despite her flaws, Liliana is a very loving girl with a library full of knowledge in her brain. She has studied up on almost all the topics in her district's library, from making the perfect daisy chains to how to most efficiently sharpen a spear. Sometimes, she'll shut the outside world, push things off to the side and try to forget all her problems. For a long time after her sister's death, she wasn't around other people- she shut herself up, not wanting to be hurt anymore than she has already been before, nor does she want to become one who will slaughter another, hurt them in the way that others have hurt her- so the games will be something hard for her to go through.

Weapon of Choice: She prefers to use mostly her knowledge, a dagger or any other close-range weapon.

Strengths: Liliana is know to be very nimble and quick with herself, and especially her fingers. This helps her with hand to hand/close-range combat. Also, an advantage is her brains- in school, she is know as the smartest, spending a lot of time in the library studying up on the newest technologies, or reading an interesting novel about Panem in the classroom.

Weaknesses: Liliana isn't the strongest female out in the arena. She can't carry too much at once, or it can get overwhelming. She is rather emotional and doesn't make friends very easily. There are also some things that she can't get over, such as death, or the thought of killing another by force of the Capitol.

Token: The locket containing a picture of Liliana and Iris that was found a year after Iris's Hunger Games. She can't afford forget her family in these games.

Reaped/Volunteered: Liliana was reaped into this year's games.

Reaction/Reason: When Liliana finds out she's been reaped to go in a fight to the death, she's scared. She's scared to serve the same fate as her sister. And wishes to find a better, stronger, and more reliable alliance than what her sister had.

Alliances: Liliana is looking for a strong alliance to balance out with her brains.

Other: Mixtape

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