D2F: Ashlar Quentin

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 Name: Ashlar Quentin

Age: 14

Sex: Female

District: Two

Physical Description: long and straight brown hair, all black eyes, slightly tan skin, 5'2

Background: spends her time sword fighting out in the open because the peacekeepers have a small alliance with her father; known widely for having relationships with most of the boys in her village; her mother judges her

Personality: violent, pessimistic, smart but lacks common sense in the arena

Weapon of Choice: Sword

Strengths/Weaknesses: good at sword fighting/lacks common sense

Token: None

Reaped/Volunteered: volunteered

Reaction/Reason: her sister, Kiendra, was chosen, and her mother had forced her to volunteer if Kiendra was picked

Alliances: No

Other: Mixtape

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