Task Eight: The Final Interview

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The Anthem plays for...

Oakley Awl

Oh, how much our lumberjack shall be missed. He went peacefully, and that is all that really matters. He passed after eating some "sponsor" berries. Poor Oakley didn't bother to read the note. It had simple instructions, "Kill without blood." They were meant to be used against other tributes. There was no pain involved in his passing. The Anthem will blare his name with pride. His Distict is proud of their very own Oakley Awl. He didn't lose himself. He died a loved hero.

Keon Ristarria

It was such a shame to see this tribute died. Multiple Capitol citizens fell in love with him merely because of Ashre's relationship with him. But as the Games continued, they fell for him. For his desperately brotherly affections towards a young boy; his courageous acts to ensure both of their survivals. Another peaceful death, he went in his sleep and was bitten by venomous flies. They left no imprint on his glistening skin. His District stands tall with their martyr. The only thing that ruined the peaceful moment was the agonized cries by a young Ashre Relicks.

Our Finalists...

Liliana Lumen

Was she happy when she saw the faces in the sky? No, she was humane through it all. She cried for them, for their loved ones, for their distircts. She cried for herself, not out of relief, but pain. Pain that made her realize that to leave the arena, she'd have to kill one even more young than herself. Was she capable of it? Self-doubt was not an issue. But would she do it?

Ashre Relicks

Agonizing screams filled the entire arena. The sight of seeing his dead brother on the floor plucked and broke every sane string of Ashre's instrumental body. He wept uncontrollably. And who wouldn't? To leave his own hell, he'd have to kill another innocent soul. Was he capable of it? Self-doubt was an issue. Ashre lost his world. And he asked himself a simple question: Why should I even bother?


The Capitol cheers you on, everyone is crying: you have just won. This is the proudest moment of your life, yet it's not. After the hovercraft has whisked you away and a medical team cleans you up, you see all those who helped you: your mentor, stylist, escort and prep team. You've missed them for some reason.

You follow your stylist and team and start all over. You are made into a perfection, just how the Capitol wants you. You are beginning to see why.

You also see a face you thought you'd never see again. Candice Canetti stands there, her look is so different from the last time you saw her. She seems to have matured in the time you were away. Or maybe she just got a face lift.

She approaches you and before she can ask her annoying question, you say that of course, you wouldn't mind an interview. But you do mind, all you want is to go home. But as Katniss once said, "There are much more worse Games to play."

The Task:

The task is quite self-explanatory. You have just won the Games and this is the final interview. Just like with Katniss and Peeta's victory, there was a video that told a story. In their case, a love story. But this is your victory, you tape, your story. It's basically a highlight from the beginning. Since the moment you mounted the stage and shook hands with you partner all the way to the second you were picked up. Again, just chose the story you want to tell and how you want to do it.

A Note: The Victor will be decided in multiple ways...

1. Gazette (Karla) and Thaila's (Belle's) honest opinion on which tribute deserves it. Candice (Lauren) may also have a part in this.

2. How much the tribute improved as a character and how you've grown as an author.

3. The opinion of all the deceased tributes. They get to vote on this too seeing as you were their ultimate competition.

4. Your past scores excluding the kills against you. (This one will hardly matter, trust us, it is just a reference point.)

Kills: Seeing as it wouldn't be fair to have you two vote against each other, all the dead tributes will cast a vote on who they want to be Victor. Gazette, Thaila, and (possibly) Candice will have a say in this too.

Word Limit: None of course.

Due: October 7th at 2 pm PDT.

Good luck to you both.

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