D5M: Chaff Jackson

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Name: Chaff Jackson

Age: 13

Sex: Male

District: 5

Physical Description: Red hair, sleek and shiny. Blue eyes like the sea. Nice jawline, although it comes from starvation.

Background: He and his mom ran away from District Three. He always felt like something was missing. Like if he had lost a brother or sister.

Personality: Kind, funny, adorable, happy.

Weapon of Choice: Bow and arrows or a sword.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Strenghts...small, attractive and smart. Good with sword. Weaknesses...shy, very loud.

Token: An amulet.

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped.

Reaction/Reason: He just hopes it was Fate.

Alliances: Yes

Other: Judas Corwell is his long-lost brother

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