D5F: Seralia Scarre

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Name: Seralia Scarre

Age: 13

Sex: Female

District: 5

Physical Description: Seralia gives off the look of a most innocent girl. Her bright blue eyes are wide and her eyebrows are always raised, giving her a surprised look. Her dirty blonde hair is short, falling just below her chin. She's an average height for a thirteen-year-old, about 5'7. She's stick skinny due to lack of food, and is pale from working inside all day. A birthmark rests in place on her neck, a thin horizontal line across her throat. Her lips are big and pouty, and she has a small, thin nose. Her fingernails are rough and ragged from biting them in nervous habit.

Background: Seralia was known as a problem child in her District as she grew up, mostly for her clumsiness and tendency to wreck things. At the age of five she broke one of the mayor's most expensive vases when her family came over for a meal. She lived with her parents and three brothers in one of the District's bigger houses. Her family was in close relation with the mayor, as her older sister is his wife. Having few friends in school, Seralia grew up to be an extremely unsocial person, and she worked with her mother making all kinds of clothing and materials for her District.

Personality: Seralia's most well-known trait is probably awkward. She's clumsy and never seems to do anything right. She stutters when she talks - or rather, if she talks - and can never find the right words. Around her friends she can be funny, but with anyone else she hardly dares to speak. She is usually seen as a bystander, one who simply overlooks a problem and does nothing about it, because of her shyness and fear that she will mess it up.

Weapon of Choice: Throwing knives, Seralia prefers ranged weapons.

Strengths/Weaknesses: As far as strengths go, Seralia doesn't think she has anything really useful, even though she does. Being so young and innocent looking, it's easy for her to work herself out of sticky situations. Although clumsy, Sera is speedy and can run for rather long distances if she has to, and she's good at climbing and scaling buildings. On the other hand, she has no idea how to hunt and cook it, and she isn't over average as far as intelligence goes. She can't dodge a weapon to save her life.

Token: Seralia's token is nothing more than a short string from her mother's quilting set.

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped

Reaction/Reason: She fainted once she heard her name called, but only for a couple of minutes. A Peacekeeper had to carry her up.

Alliances: Yes, Seralia is looking for an alliance.

Other: N/A

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