Task Seven: SRV

39 7 3


D3F, Liliana Lumen

Killed: 0 (0 IN ENTRIES, 0 IN BALLOTS)

D7M, Oakley Awl

Killed: 1 (0 IN ENTRIES, 1 IN BALLOTS)

D8M, Ashre Relicks

Killed: 1 (0 IN ENTRIES, 1 IN BALLOTS)

D12M, Keon Ristarria

Killed: 1 (0 IN ENTRIES, 1 IN BALLOTS)

If I were to follow our regular scoring rubric. This would be your rankings.


1st Ashre Relicks

2nd Oakley Awl

3rd Liliana Lumen

4th Keon Ristarria


This tribute without a doubt has left both myself and Belle quite speechless - from his constant dedication and enthusiasm, tribute and writing improvement, and the beyond average scores he has received. This author and character are both amazing and has struck the feels. Our first finalist is Ashre Relicks of District Eight.


Well, this depends on you, dear readers. There is the beautiful and young Liliana Lumen. The loved and ambitious Oakley Awl. And finally, the courageous and brotherly Keon Ristarria.

Please vote for the one author you want to make it to Finals, along with Ashre Relicks.

Side Note: I amextremely proud of you all. Even those who have passed.    

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