D9M: Valentes Wigerford

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Name: Valentes Wigerford (the second)

Age: 16

Sex: male

District: 9

Physical Description: Brown, tan skin like leather. Eyes as dark as a storm in four and as powerful as physical strength. Lips are pink and seem to pale for his face. A little birthmark like a strawberry on his neck.

Background: Valentes is the son of Valentes Wigerford (the first), the mayor of nine. Sadly, he fell in love with a prostitute and had Valentes, so he had to step down. His mother was angered, so she shot the new mayor, leading Valentes Wigerford back into power. They were happy. He has girlfriend Ariel who he loves "to the moon and back." Life was good and easy.

Personality: He's very athletic and nice. He's a kind jock, you can say. He's not that smart though; he makes up for it with jokes.

Weapon of Choice: Bow and arrow

Strengths/Weaknesses: S- very funny and can make friends easily. He is strong to. Weak.- can be loud and arrogant because of his money.

Token: A promise ring. It has "AR" engraved in it. His gf's initials.

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped.

Reaction/Reason: Hoped Ariel will be strong.

Alliances: No, he needs to get back to Ariel.

Other: He dislikes strawberries!!!

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