Task Three: Female Entries

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D1F- Elefana Mayhem


D2F- Ashlar Quentin

I look up at the ceiling, recognizing a sky light in the mall. We have been trudging for hours trying to find a place to settle down. The mall seemed it was endless, and by the looks of the sky it was about 8 or 9. I am breathing heavy now, almost collapsing on the cold hard floor. My knees buckle from below me, threatening to fall hard and receive a cut. And that is the last thing I need now. I automatically sit down, the cold tingling through my body. Jade glances at me with a confused look, but then understands and sits right next to me. We sit there for a few minutes reflecting on the day's events. Millie and Seraila left after I threatened to kill them, me and Jade never trusted them anyways.

Music filled the air with the Panem anthem.

I wonder who's dead.

The sky illuminates the faces of the dead: Judas, Rowan, Chaff, Alastor, Nikki, and Trolly.

6 down 17 to go.

When the anthem is over, me and Jade stare at each other, automatically knowing we are thinking the same thing. The games are getting too boring something big will happen tonight or tomorrow.

All of a sudden, we see Ashre and Lacey break a sprint through the mall, with tears in their eyes. Me and Jade run toward the direction and see Keon on the ground. Dead. We see a dog, near the dead body barking. The dog runs up to us and I see the collar says Kaesley, just I am going to pet the dog, it attacks us. So we run, away from the demon dog. We run into Oakley and run past him and the growling.

When I look over my shoulder Oakley is on the ground dead. He was such a nice guy. Next we run outside and standing in front of us..... the Careers. I automatically see that Dylan is one of them my heart sinks. Avery has an aze and laughs maliciously. I want her dead, just as she is going to throw an axe I step out of the way, and it lands on the dog.

I then go charging at her with my sword, slicing her like crazy. Me and Jade run away and never look back.

I begining to turn into one of them, I'm acting like an Career.

D3F- Liliana Lumen

I curled up inside my sleeping bag at the back of Cornucopia, whimpering. Rowan had been so close. She was like an older sister to me. Almost like... Iris. The thought of her and Rowan make my eyes start to water, I dig deeper into the warm protective sleeping bag. They were so much alike. It's not really that protective to the dangers out in the arena. I hear a howl in the distance, causing my body to shiver.

I reach into the left inside pocket of my jacket and pull out a small box- Rowan's token. Aidan pulled it out of her left inside pocket before the hovercraft removed her from the arena and gave it to me. The sleeping bag is no longer warm in the cold night air as I think about Rowan's death. The vision of Judas stabbing Rowan in the back flashes in my head last night- the first night. She screams, waking me up. As my eyes adjust to the darkness, I see the knife in her back and scream in horror. I see a movement behind me as Aidan jerks awake. Rowan starts coughing up blood; Aidan picks up his spear and chucks it at Judas. The wind is knocked out of the small boy as the spear reaches his heart with a heavy punch and he falls to the ground, dead.

I hear a scream next to me and make out the figure of Avery in the dark night, "Mutts!"

I immediately jump out of the sleeping bag, grabbing the dagger closest to me. It's clean, unlike all of my allies' weapons. Taking a look at the large dogs, I wake the others in a panic, shaking Holland and Dylan awake. Aidan was awake, moping about Rowan's death. And he's already helping Avery fight off the mutts.

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