D7M: Oakley Awl

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Name: Oakley Awl

Age: 15

Sex: Male

District: 7

Physical Description: Skin a shade lighter than bark, eyes the same shade as the leaves. . . There's no denying the fact that Oakley is attractive. He's powerfully built, though strongest in his arms from his years of chopping down trees. Standing at 6'1", he's often thought to be older than just 15, but most people ignore the fact that his eyes also reflect a maturity more than his years. He poses an intimidating figure when he wants to, though usually he's so passive that he lives up to his nickname 'the Gentle Giant'.

Background: Oakley grew up as normal as ever in 7 - he started school at 5, started working at 10, lost an acquaintance to the games at 13. . . Despite his next-to-normal upbringing other than Leif being reaped, the singular instance changed him, from a boisterous kid to a quiet young man, earning him the nickname Gentle Giant. His two younger brothers, Rowan and Axel, grew up looking up to him and copying his every move, something else that encouraged him to nonviolence and kindness - he didn't want to set a bad example for his siblings. His mother and father support him, but often worry about their son's quietness.

Personality: Oakley is quiet, kind, and helpful, despite his intimidating appearance. He tries his best to set a good example for the younger kids he's often round, and will always help someone in need, even at the risk of losing his job or respect from his friends. However, he does have a temper; though it's not short and he's often very patient, if you anger him, he will attack - sometimes with fists, sometimes with words. While he's not the smartest leaf on the tree, he does have some street smarts.

Weapon of Choice: An axe or hatchet, or something simple, like a broadsword.

Strengths: He's strong and muscled from years of hard work, which has the added bonus of intimidation - not many would want to mess with him. He would be able to make allies easily and is trustworthy.

Weaknesses: He isn't one for violence, unless someone really hits a nerve. He's rather gullible and not very clever or quick; though he does know his way around the streets of 7, he would be lost anywhere else. He's not very fast or quiet due to his size.

Token: A bronze leaf charm on a leather strap - it was Leif's token and when Oakley was reaped, the family gave it to him for luck.

Reaped/Volunteered: Reaped

Reaction/Reason: He just shrugged and lumbered up to the stage with his usual slow gait. He knew it was bound to happen eventually.

Alliances: He'd be open to them, but he's not sure that anyone would really want him.

Other: N/A


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