D9F: Nikki Duran

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Name: Nikki Duran

Age: 13

Sex: Female

District: 9

Physical Description: brunette w/ gold highlights, brown eyes, 5'4, tan, thin

Background: Mother and father missing, takes care of 8-year-old sister and 10-year-old brother

Personality: sassy, bossy, out-going, known as the "badass bitch"

Weapon of Choice: Knives

Strengths/Weaknesses: photographic memory, cares about family

Token: Gold chain w/ blue diamond pendant

Reaped/Volunteered: Volunteer

Reaction/Reason: saved 12-year-old girl who seemed helpless and scared

Alliances: yes

Other: fears seeing her family taken away

Author Games: Welcome to RealityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora