D4M: Aidan Dowey

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Name: Aidan Dowey.

Age: 18.

Sex: Male.

District: 4.

Physical Description: Aidan has dark brown hair that is styled differently every day. It really depends on his level of laziness. Most of the time, it's swept upwards and off his forehead. He has cheerful brown eyes that look like melted chocolate, and slightly tanned skin, with vaguely bushy eyebrows. With his slightly wider-than-average nose and almost perfect teeth, he's the epitome of adorable. You'll rarely see Aidan without a smile of some sort on his face, and he's the perfect person to cheer others up. He's not overly tall, just 5'11, and has corded muscle that's sometimes hard to see. Despite that, he doesn't lack for muscle definition, and has great abs.

Background: Aidan had a very eventful childhood, which all started when his father disappeared when Aidan was 9 years old. No one knows where he went, and it's just assumed that he died. Despite the beliefs of almost the whole District, Aidan knows that his father isn't dead. Aidan's mother seemed fine after the disappearance of her husband, until Aidan was 11 years old. He arrived home from a long day at school to see his mother standing on a chair with a noose around her neck. She smiled shakily at him, and mouthed the words 'I love you', before stepping off the chair. For the rest of his life, Aidan swore to be as cheerful and helpful to everyone around him so that no one suffered the same dreadful childhood that he had. Everything in life got better when he met Rowan.

Personality: Aidan, despite being utterly beautiful, is strangely humble. He always makes jokes at his expense, and never brags about anything. He's optimistic about everything and can cheer any person up in a matter of seconds. He's 100% loyal to his girlfriend, Rowan, and best friend, Theresa. Not only that, but Aidan is very protective of Rowan, and anyone trying to hurt her would bring out his angry side in a matter of seconds. Buried within him is a spark that can be turned into an inferno if he feels that Rowan is being threatened. Generally, he's a nice as can be, and quite trusting.

Weapon of Choice: Aidan has been training for half of his life, but he's found that he specialises in using twin katanas. He's wickedly fast and deadly accurate. He's also pretty good with a trident, but not very good with making knots or anything of the sort.

Strengths: Aidan makes friends rather easily, although he's content with Rowan and Theresa, and he's very charismatic. And he's excellent with his chosen weapons. Aidan's determination to protect Rowan will make him stronger, and it'll make him want to get to the finals. He'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Whilst Rowan wouldn't hurt anyone unless threatened, Aidan will do anything to keep her safe

Weaknesses: He doesn't have many weaknesses, but there's one that rises above the others. Rowan. He'd do anything for her. He's also a bit clumsy, but sudden balance and gracefulness overtakes him when he fights with his katanas. Otherwise, he's clumsier than you can imagine. If there's something to trip on, then he's tripped on it twelve times already. He can also be too nice for his own good; and too trusting.

Token: A promise ring, the first gift that Rowan ever gave him. The plain silver band is engraved with their initials, and goes around the middle finger on his right hand.

Reaped/Volunteered: Volunteered.

Reaction/Reason: He was overwhelmed with an urge to protect Rowan. He loves her more than he can say.

Alliances: If anyone is interested, PM me :) but preferably no psychopaths. Aidan doesn't was Rowan to be scared. His current ally is Rowan Reed, his District partner.

Other: He loves singing - he has an amazing voice - and he plays the drums.

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