Task Three: Darling Pets

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            You have survived the Bloodbath. You have been running as far as you can or taking over the Cornucopia. Your allies are with you and you're taking inventory. You all decide to rest for now. Tonight, you will hunt the misfits. Kill the strong before they get stronger; the weak because they take up space.

You watch your camp as your allies or sleep, or maybe you can't sleep and are wide awake. The anthem startles you and the face of the dead flash before your very eyes. Even the lost tributes are included:

Judas Corwell (D3M), Rowan Reed (D4F), Chaff Jackson (D5M), Alastair Karnstein, Nikki Duran (D9F), and Trolly Wu (D11M).

Six are already dead and it hasn't been a full day. Then again, now you only have to worry about seventeen other tributes. Easy pickings, some brutes, some allies.

Back at Headquarters, Gazette and Thalia are creating your next challenge. And she sure is beautiful.

You see her massive body. A dog, you think. Her golden hair shimmers with moon light. Her warm brown eyes bore into yours. She kneels before you and she sniffs your hand. You immediately trust her, she's a dog after all.

You walk along Avedenza Boulevard, towards the fountain. Kasely, the dog, drinks some water and then howls at the moon. She transforms into a hunting dog right before your very eyes. That howl just called her pack.

In seconds they surround you. They smell your fear and nervous sweat. They circle you until they are ten feet from you. You notice you aren't the only one awake. Everyone is surrounded. You all share the same thought: attack or run.

The Task:

This is the classical mutt task. Describe Kasely in depth, create your own version of her if you'd like. Don't forget to visualize your walk down the boulevard, the sights you saw, the conversation you had with Kasely. Talk about the attack. These mutts are lethal. Again, attack or run.


You will witness three (entry) deaths. Or kill three, any combination of them both works. There is one single ballot per alliance, or one per person if your tribute is acting alone. Eight of you will be up for votes. Half of those will live, the latter half will die, leaving us with fourteen tributes in all.

Word Limit: 2,000 words.

Due: August 22nd at 6 pm, PDT.

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