Task Seven: Intervention

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Welcome to Semi-Finals, you four! Thanks for sticking around and for being excellent authors! Scores no longer matter.

After last night's battle, ratings went up like crazy! But, still, the Capitol wanted more. Usually at the final eight, your family is taken in for interviews, but this year that wasn't done. And that left the Capitol in a sour mood.

They wanted to see your families: their reactions and thoughts. Anything that would give them an emotion rather than suspense. A poll was taken and the citizens voted. All but two percent agreed.

You need an intervention.


Everything in the arena is turned off: the fake sky turns to a slated grey, the trees and grass lose their green, all the lights fail to aluminate. The best thought runs through your mind. I won, I won, I did it. Only you haven't, at least not yet.

But then again, how can you explain the hovercraft descending above you. Or hovercrafts, seeing as there are multiple. One per tribute. Down the ladders come a combination of family and friends. Only it's not everyone you love, it's just a select few.

You rush to the most important one, ready to kill them, thinking they are a hallucination. They are not and Gazette proves this.

"Tributes. We bring you your loved ones. We have seen action and blood and gore, but no emotion. We run on emotion as well as strength. Enjoy the time you have with them, it is a mere two hours."

This can't be real, but it is. It is, it is, it is! You've never felt this way before. You rush at everyone.

A small table appears, abundant with food. You aren't exactly starved, but you gorge yourself anyway. Food and family.

But you are still the circus.

The Task:

This is an intervention, but not exactly a recap of what you've done. Treat this as a small catch up with your family and/or friends. You will only be able to have two people with you. If you want, you can have those two and an ally (or allies). Do not tell them what they've already seen on TV, instead, describe how it felt, what you thought. Say anything that may have not been prominent to the audience before. This is the time to prove that you are still human, that you can fight but feel remorse or pride for your actions. This is all about emotion, but vocalize it.


You can't really kill anyone, so there will be two ballots granted to your tribute, since there are only four of you left. The final two will be decided with those ballots, but ultimately with what Gazette and Thaila believe to be finalist material.

Word Limit: There is none. This is a free reign, do whatever you'd like.

Due: September 29th at 2 pm PDT.

Congrats to the remaining four, you all deserve this!

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