Task Two: Male Entries

80 5 6

D1M- Holland Lennox

Life, I believe, is not simply something to be thrown away. I also believe that humans should not be allowed to remove another's life.

But, at this point, do my beliefs really matter? I'm sent into an arena, forced to murder other helpless kids, and I have to prove my worth. How am I supposed to weave my sanity and beliefs into that?

But, belief means nothing now.

The arena in front of me is strange; tall buildings tower over other unknown structures, and in the center is a fountain.

The clock ticks away in unison with the flowing of the fountain.




I stop paying attention to the clock and face my competition. To my right, a tiny girl with fishtail braids fiercely looks on at the competition. To my left, stands a boy who has a white sock in one of his hands.

I scan the other tributes, then I begin to prepare myself to run towards the center.




I'm off.

I run towards the center, and the first thing I do is grab the biggest backpack I can find. Then, I grab anything else in my sight and shove it in the already bulging backpack. Then, I grab the nearest weapon- a sword.

I can see the other careers also running towards the supplies.

"District 2! Catch!" I thrown the sword to the girl from two, who has the girl from twelve running at her. She smiles, and comes whirling at me with the sword.

This is when I realize that the career pack had split up. Now, I'm not sure who I can trust.

I grab another sword from the floor and attack back. We parry and block for a painfully long time before I finally catch her in the neck. She topples over and the girl from twelve stares at me- dumb struck. I pick up the bloodied sword and fling it at her. Sadly, it's a direct hit.

I kneel down over the body of the girl from two and whisper an apology. I can't believe I've already killed two people.

I stand back up and head closer towards the cornucopia. The rest of the former career pack is there.

I look at the guy from two warily, is he on my side? Or, is he leaving the pack? He nods to me and then throws a knife at my head. Well, behind my head. The knife strikes true at an oncoming attacker, the six female.

I stoop towards the ground and grab the knife out of her chest and nod in thanks to the guy who saved my life. I toss him the sword, and he catches it with grace.

I survey the area around me and see that the two kids standing on my either side are lying, dead, barely a foot infront of their pedestals. The girl's fishtail braids are now messy and unraveled and the boy's sock is now stained a deep crimson.

I look back at District 2 and give a solemn nod. Behind him, the girl from seven stands ready with an axe, and I hurl myself at her. I am going to save two's life like he saved mine.

I land on top of her and pin her to the ground, knife readied in my hand.

"District one! Holland! STOP. She's on our side!" Someone calls from my right. District 2.

"Oh. Sorry. I, um didn't know," I trail off and help her up. She rubs her neck where the knife was pressed. "Okay. Who all is with us? So I do t almost kill an 'attacker,'" I ask District 2.

He pauses for a minute and surveys the small group before continuing, "You, me, Lilliana, both of four, and Avery." He points around at each person as he says their name.

"What about that girl from District One?"

"We haven't found her yet. She disappeared after the gong rang. We hope to find her soon."

I nod and stoop towards the ground to survey all the supplies we stockpiled.

In my backpack resides water, rope, twine, knives, food, and a sleeping bag. Looking around, it seems as if the others have roughly the same.

"We have more than enough supplies to last us roughly one week, that is, if we ration the food and and water. We will take sleeping shifts and share the sleeping bags. We will have to find a good, sturdy shelter surrounded on three sides," I state. No one responds.

I ignore all the stares and begin to pack up everything back into my backpack and head towards one of the buildings.

"Are you guys coming, or not?" I call over my shoulder. They all pack up their own bags and follow me towards the mall. We head inside and build shelter in one of the corners.

I volunteer to take the first shift and give my sleeping bag to Avery. My thoughts shift back towards all the terror from just an hour ago. I killed two people today, and didn't hesitate to almost kill a third. What is happening to me?

I curl up into a ball and cry. I cry for the two little kids who died. I cry for the two girls I killed. I cry for my failing sanity. And I cry for my broken beliefs.

My beliefs, while seemingly irrelevant, still patch together my soul and sanity. I need to hold on to them, and I will.

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