Sponsored Prizes

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            This is the page to see what you get for being sponsored. Nine of you have been sponsored.


The first three were pre-Games sponsorships:

1. Liliana Lumen -G

2. Seralia Scarre -T

3. Lacey Anthis -C

The next six of you have been hand selected by Gazette and Thalia. Gazette chose...

1. Holland Lennox

2. Oakley Awl

3. Ashre Relicks

...and Thalia chose

1. Dylan Kirsten

2. Avery Woodswroe

3. Jade-Grace Rojas

These will be based on the average of your *Task Two and Task Three scores. If you are in a higher point level but want a lower point prize, please ask us if it is okay first.



1. Immunity: No deaths will count against you nor will points will be taken off of your score. The highest score you can get is a twelve. People can kill you in their entry, but they will not matter. No entry is needed. The catch: You will have less ballot deaths in the next entry than everyone else. Say I give three ballot deaths, you can only give me one.

2. Thirteen: This is similar to an Immunity. The difference is that you get an automatic 13 on any task of your choice. No entry is needed, all you hand in is the number thirteen. The catch: I take off a point on your next entry. So the highest you can get is an eleven.


1. Twelve: This is the exact same thing as a Thirteen, but the score you get is a 12. No entry is needed, all you hand in is the number twelve. The catch: I take off a point on your next entry. So the highest you can get is an eleven.

2. Want and Need: Say your tribute gets badly hurt, and you are desperate for something. You will get that something. The catch: you can only use it for yourself and it must be used before the Feast. If not used by that time, it will disappear.


1. Hint + Point: You will get a hint to the next task. It seems small, but the tasks will get more difficult and more detailed. You will also get an added point to your score.

Task Three will be posted shortly.

*And by your average, we mean your Entry Score average, the kills will not count against any of your scores from this point on. It has come to our attention that it isn't really fair. 

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