Second trimester

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The next morning, Y/n woke up to go to work. She stopped her alarm from ringing and stood up to shower. As she was lathering down her body with soap, she felt her tummy. She looked down and noticed a now slightly more visible baby bump. She smiled at the feeling and sight.

She finished her shower and wrapped her towel around her hair, and used another towel to dry her body before puting on some lotion to hydrate her body, then her underwear and a silk robe to cover her. She stepped out of the bathroom to see Seokjin had already showered, and he was already dressed.

He looked up and noticed something different with his wife's body. He stared at her for a good minute before realizing which made him gasp, earning a concerned look from Y/n.

"You have a baby bump! But how? Last night in the emergency room you didn't have one" he asked, Y/n walked closer to him and undid her robe so she could show off the bump to her husband. He placed his hands on her hips and slowly reaching his thumbs to caress her belly.

"I'm not sure how it happened, but...I missed this feeling" she said softly. Seokjin looked up at her and stood up. He cupped her face and kissed her lips gently and lovingly.

"I missed this feeling too" he sat down in the bed again and kissed her belly. "Hello my baby, I am so happy to be your father. I want to let you know that I will love you no matter what, my beautiful baby boy or baby girl" he said. He heard sniffles, he looked up and saw Y/n wiping away tears.

He stood up again and wiped her tears away with his thumb, earning a giggle from her.

"And as you all can see, collaborating with Ming enterprises will raise our end-product by 14 percent" Jungkook said ending his presentation. He earned a couple of claps from his team, which then all of them looked at Seokjin for a reaction or comment.

"I like it, please get in contact with the company for further discussion. Great job today" Seokjin said. Everyone stood up and bowed to Seokjin, which he did the same.

He turned to Y/n who was finishing up typing in her IPad the details said in the meeting. He stood up and walked towards her. She looked up and smiled.

"All done" she said turning her iPad off and getting ready to walk. Before she could walk away, Seokjin pulled her closer to him and bent down in a knee. He quickly kissed her belly bump and stood up.

"What was that for?" She chuckled.

"Just showing our baby how much I love him or her. Have you made an appointment with an obstetrician?" He asked.

"Yes I have, I have an appointment this Wednesday at 12pm" she said happily.

He smiled.

"Perfect, I can come with you" he said.

"Actually" she said looking down at the iPad and opening the calendar app, "you have a meeting that day at 11:45am with the team of media" she said reading the note on the calendar, then looking up at him. She smiled apologetically.

"It's ok, you can come to the next one" she said standing on her tippy toes and kissing his cheek.

They walked together towards the elevator talking about this appointment. When the door for the elevator opened, they walked in, and he pressed the button to their floor. The elevator door closed and it started to ascend.

Y/n laced her arm with seokjin's arm and leaned against him. Seokjin turned his head to look at him and smiled.

"Are you ok my love?" He asked.

She nodded.

"Just staring to feel sleepy" she said softly. He smiled.

"It's probably the pregnancy. Speaking of, when are we telling our family and friends" he asked

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