83: Extra: Future Talk: Forum Body

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83: Extra: Future Talk: Forum Body

☆ 83. Post-mortem: Forum style

Talk in the future: Forum

>> Communication Section > Hot Posts

[Top: Our section has moderators! ! Don't talk about discordant content! ! (The moderator is watching you)]

[Complaining about our senior's super handsome boyfriend! ! ! ! 】[hot][12p]

1L (poster): I really can't stand it anymore! ! ! ! Today I didn't buy edamame cream daifuku, nor did I buy edamame milkshake or matcha cake! ! !

Do you know how difficult it is for children to learn? ! ! !

If this continues, the child will be wiped out due to hypoglycemia. QAQ

[See only the original poster (opened)]

4L (original owner): No, no, no, no, I didn't mean to pay attention to my senior's boyfriend! ! I'm from Sendai, and our specialty is edamame. I've been eating it since I was a kid, and I feel uncomfortable if I can't eat it for a day.

16L (Owner): You guys are too enthusiastic! ! After refreshing, there are so many more replies. Yes, she is the senior sister that everyone likes so much. She was the one who welcomed me at the school gate during the welcome last year. She is so gentle. I am a girl who is crazy and excited. Wuwu

19L (Owner): It's not a rumor, it's not a rumor, it's really my boyfriend! I also took a photo of them holding hands in that cake shop. At that time, I lamented with my good friends how such an outstanding person like my senior sister could secretly fall in love. Later I found out that it was not secretly, xs

26L (poster): {Reply to 22L: Me Do not believe! ! Unless you show us pictures! ! }


This is it! ! It's so sweet to hold hands. Before holding hands, my boyfriend was still peeking at my senior's face. When I saw her paying, she didn't seem to notice him at all. She seemed very disappointed. Then my senior put her wallet away and went directly I grabbed his hand hhhhh

39L (original poster): Yes, he is really happy to the naked eye. Why is he so easy to coax? I feel like my senior is super happy to be with him.

43L (original poster): Yes Of... the money paid by senior sister, if you don't tell me, I haven't discovered it yet! ! [Maomao is shocked.jpg]

Is this considered a soft meal for my boyfriend? !

57L (the original poster): {Reply to 48L: Oh my God! ! ! This profile is so handsome! ! ! What a handsome guy this is! ! ! What's wrong with letting him eat soft rice? ! ! }

It's very handsome! ! Every time we meet, I feel like I'm struck by the beauty. Sometimes I just see the back and think it's so beautiful! !

But I can't take on the role of senior sister, wuwuwuwu! You can't eat soft food, especially the food of our senior sister QAQ

Our senior sister is really excellent, she deserves someone better QAQ

73L (Owner): I understand, you were all blown up by handsome guys, right... He He is indeed handsome! ! But I feel like he has a very bad personality and I can't accept him being with his senior sister. QAQ

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