Chapter 4-"sleep over"

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Friday had finally arrived, and now i was packing a over night bag. I had got to know Rose and Alice more, and now we were inseparable. I had gotten closer to emmett too. I smiled at the thought of him. He was handsome, funny, cocky, and did I mention he was handsome. He sent shiver through my whole body every time he looked at me. I heard a honk and I picked up my duffle bag. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed the rest of my stuff. Then walked out the house making sure the door was locked, and walked over to roses red Porsche.

I got in and set my bag in the back seat, and put on my seat belt. She smiled and i smiled back. "you look good girl", rose said and i smiled. " well thank you I try", I said and she chuckled pulling off. She made her way through town to the deep forest. As she turned onto the forest road she picked up speed. Oh i loved it!! I could feel the vibration of the car as i sat there, she made a turn and now we were driving up into the garage. I unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my bag from the back.

I got out and walked in behind rose, i looked to living room, and i saw jasper and Edward playing x-box. Emmett watching, but he soon locked eyes with me and a smile grew on his face. I smiled back waving and followed rose up the stairs. The house truly was beautiful I loved the big collage of diploma hats.

"yay shes finally here", I heard Alice yell from down the hall and she ran towards us. Wow that was fast, i thought shaking my head as I saw her now standing a little ways down the hallway. Then  i was attacked into a bone crushing hug, damn she was fast. I hugged her back," cant..breath", i choked out coughing. She released me quickly, and i breathed in a deeply." Oh my god!!! Alex!!! I'm so sorry soemtimes i dont realize my strength", she said frowning shifting back and forth.

I breathed In and smiled waving it off. " nah it's all good Alice, I didn't realize you were so strong, I hate to see the person that picks a fight with you ", i said and smiled, she did too laughing. " I do too", she said winking and laughed. " ok now come on we have to start on the makeovers!!", she said and smiled and I groaned. Eeeeeeehhhwww. She grabbed my hand and started dragging me down the hall. I looked to rose for help, and she just laughed following behind us.

I never thought i'd say this but now i know why bella acts like she got a stick up her ass all the time...oh wait thats there premanitly. Any way, i like make overs but alice redid my makeover 5 times. I know we've been at this for a good 2 hrs. And was sending rose silent plea's to help me. "okay thats enough Alice, you've torchered her enough", she said and i smiled at her tell her thank you, she jsut laughed, 0 think if you have her sit in that chair any longer she's gonna turn into stone", she said.I stood up and groaned my back aching. I looked to the mirror and signed. The hair was beautiful but these Bobby pins were killing my scalp.

I took the bobby pins out of my hair, and then it feel loose around my face. Hmmm that's a lot better. I shook my hair and then ran my hand threw it. I heard my stomach grumble and i laugehd touching my stomach."come on ill go get you some food", Alice  said and put her arm around mine leading me down the halway."esme alex is hungry", she said and we entered the kitchen. I could smell garlic bread and it smelt so good. As we entered I saw Esme  had already set a plate full of spaghetti on the table. I went over and sat at the table, i picked up the fork and ate some.

I ate quietly for a few minutes, before I realized the girls weren't eating with me. I grabbed a bread stick from the basket Esme sat I front of me, I swallowed and looked to rose and Alice who sat at the table with me."aren't you going to eat?", i asked and they both shook  their heads. "nah im not hungry", she said and smiled. " looked to Alice and she shook her head. " no I ate earlier, don't mind us you eat", she said and I nodded before taking a bite of my bread stick.

" I'm gonna go see what jazzy is doing but you eat, let me know when your done",she said getting up and exiting out of the kitchen. I heard foot steps, and a bunch g dark haired looked guy walked in and I smiled. God and I get to look at that all night. "so how was your make over", Emmett said sitting in the chair beside me. I just looked at him then back to my food eating another bite. " oooh look at the time Esme help me set up for the movie", she said standing up and smiling at me giving me a look. Esme looked at her confused but followed stopping her tidying up.

"ya Alice goes a little over board sometimes", he said and I turned to him laughing. "A little?", I said raising my eye brow, taking a big bite of spaghetti and he laughed. I blushed. Oh my good!!! I probably looked like a pig. Usually I wouldn't care but he was gorgeous. And I just stuff my face like a pig!

I looked down and ate another bite off my spaghetti slurping up th noodle the most lady like I could . He laughed at me, and i looked at him and then grabbed the napkin and wipped my mouth. Oh my god he probably thinks I am!

" are you going to eat", i asked him trying to not feel as much like a fat pig. He looked at it debating something then got up and went over to the stove and got some on a plate. He sat down beside me and picked up his fork then dug in, he swallowed. I don't think he even chewed. " is it good?", I said and he nodded smiling."ya its great", he said and swallowed but his tone flat, i laughed. "you dont have to eat if you dont want  too", i said and he shook his head etaing some more.

I had finally finished and now i was sitting here watching emmett eat his lat bite of speghetti, he swallowed and pushed the plate away and held his stomach."i take it your full", i said and he nodded not even looking at me. I frowned great he probably thought I was disgusting. I grabbed my plate getting up and went and set my plate in the sink. I looked to see Emmett with his head down on the table. " it was un.. ya", I said walking off embarrassed, I made my walk of shame back up the stairs.

Emmett's pov.

Once i heard her reach roses room i flung the back door open and went out back. It was dark outside now. I felt horrible i hunched over and threw up."i told you edward you owe me 1200 dollars", he said and edward smiled handing him money. I hurled again, there was still more u could feel it. "dude you shouldnt have ate it", he said and i threw some more spaghetti up. I groaned and wiped my mouth. "man the only reason i did it was for her", I said and i heard them laugh. I felt my insides scrunch up and i threw up. Once I felt like it was all gone I stood up straight.

"she really is you true soul mate huh?", jasper said and I  looked at him giving him a knowing look. "yep", i said smiling thinking about her. She was beautiful and she made my body feel tingly all over. She made me feel alive every time I saw her. I mean when Alice first said it was bells. I was ecstatic, I mean bells was beautiful. But I felt nothing, and that makes me sad cause bells is a great person but it just didn't feel right. Then when Alex got out of Charlie's cruiser that day. I felt a feeling rush through my body I hadn't felt in a long time.

" I'll tell you what I'll give you back you money if you eat a full plate, with bread sticks", jasper said leaning against the railing smirking. " now boys bet all you want, but just know", Esme said walking onto the porch with a napkin and handed it to me. Then turned to Edward and jasper. " I expect it all cleaned up", she said and I laughed wiping my mouth. " no way man, I'm not gonna be able to do it. I'll just take the loss", Edward said laughing.

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