Chapter 33- "there's no going back"

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We all sat in the living room as carisle paced the floor rubbing the back of his neck," Emmett you could have ruiend and blew are cover you know that right", he said and i smiled shasking my head as is at on the couch next to jasper and alice. While rose and edward sat on the love seat and emmett and esme in arm chairs, emmett just looked down."what you did was not only irresponsible emmett but could have harmed us all without you realizing it", carisle said."now when i go back to work im gonna be all over being talked about my son caught at a underage drinking party", he said and emmett kept his head down.

"emmett im not meaning to get on to you, your a grown man and you can make your choices but are rule is dont get mixed up with humans and you know that", he said and emmett looked up frowning."im sorry", he said and swallowed and carisle signed."now both me and you have to appear in court....i may can see if i can just pay it off to make it go away", he said rubbing his temples.

"dear its 4:30 you should get ready for work", she said softley and he nodded."alrite fine, im going to work but you all please!!1", he said and breathed out."stay out of trouble", he said and grabbed his bag from esme and she kissed his cheek and hugged him before he headed out the door.

"alrite children your dissmissed your all still going to school", she said and stood up."i know emmett isnt the only one in trouble", she said looking around and chuckled before walking towards the kitchen probably to find something for me to eat. i breathed out,"wow", i said and  emmett scowled."you know im not the only one in this", he spoke to everyone and i rolled my eyes.

"you were there alex, and if im going down your going with me", he said and i looked him in his eyes and smirked."nah if anything ill go down watching you rolling down to the bottom, will i kick back and sip a margarita to celbrate on the way down", i said and he glared and i chuckled standing up and walking towards the stairs."you know you started this", he said and i stopped dead in my tracks."started what", i said my back to him and in a blink of a eye i felt his presense behind me and i was spun around."you know exactly what, i see the way you look at him", he said and i rolled my eyes."why do you care?", i said and he looked into my eyes and smirked."i dont, but im not gonna sit here while you fool around with some other guy', he said and i chuckled and jerked my arm away."i havent been with him nor on a date, but  your sure one to talk because you didnt even mention going to the party", i said and he shrugged."i can do what i want anytime", he said and i smiled."then dont expect me to", i said and he looked into my eyes."fine then, you can be with that pathetic human", he said glaring and i breathed out."really so you want me too?", i said and he glared."well apparently this must have been your plan".

"what fucking plan?!", i said and raised my hands and he chuckled."you do this whole suicide deal, you gave rose the ring i got you back!!!", he said breathing hard."what?! so you can find someone else?! huh?!", he said and i chuckled." no i gave the ring back because out of all these fucking moths this is the first time you'v e even spoke one word to me!!!!", i yelled in his face and he glared and i signed."someone who loves someone doesnt ignore them", i said and swallowed."ya well some that loves someone doesnt try to kill them selves", he said and that was the punch it felt like i had the wind knocked out of me."you know what emmett, ive said im sorry and i have a million times, but its obvious your not going to forgive me", i said pushing back the hurt i felt."so you go your way and ill go mine, im not in your business and you not in mine deal", i said and he licked his lips and looked into my eyes."deal", he said and i extended my hand, and he grabbed it shaking it with a force that would have broke a normal humans. i squeased back harder."there's no going back just remember, whats done is done", i said and he grunted and smiled.

I snatched my hand away and in a blink of an eye i was in my room, change into a out fit, once i finished i picked up my phone and dialed the number. it rang two times before i got a answer."helllooo...", he said groggily and i chuckled."hey its me", i said and he groaned."me who?", he said and i could tell he was smirking."dont play dumb", i said and he chuckled."why are you up so earrrrllllyyyyyy!", he said complaining and i chuckled."getting ready for school", i said and he snorted."at four in the morning?", he said and i chuckled."you should meet me some where and we can hang out before school", i said and he chuckled."do i have too i mean why not after ", he said and i chuckled."just get up ill text you were to meet me", i said and he groaned."alrite fine im up", he said and i chuckled.

I hung up and grabbed my school bag, i walked down the stairs and down to the living room."jasper alice, dont worry today im gonna take my car", i said as i walked in the kitchen to find esme,edward and roser talking."oh dear i made you breakfast arent you gonna eat?', she said motioning to the waffles and  smiled and took one off the plate."put the rest in the fridge and ill eat them later", i said and she shook her head smiling."ok darling please be careful and safe", she said and i nodded and walked out to the garage and signed as i saw my car next to emmetts jeep.

"ok so let me get this straight you got into a fight with your step brother cause he got caught at the party?", he said still half asleep as we sat on the picnic tables infront of the school, and i nodded as i drank some of my chocolate milk and he chuckled shaking his head."mmm ok then", he said and laughed and took a bite of the choclate dought he had."and you called me because?', he said and looked at me and i punched him in his arm."owww damn its to early for horse play", he said and groaned smiling slightly."because i thought you were my friend and i could talk to you, but since apparently not ill go", i said and hoped down and grabbed my bag."with my doughnuts", i said and grabbed the box and he chucklde and no sooner grabbed my arm pulling me back and into his chest as he stood behind me."i was just playing  your so sensitive, come on come back and sit", he said and i rolled my eyes pulling away from him and sat back with him set my bag and the box down.

"hands down that wasnt the craziest party, were about to have one crazier than that for the seniors", he said eating and i chuckled as he still sat eating doughnuts."see the school having this gay lock in up here and man who the hell wants to do that, so me and my buddies are planning this party its gonna be a rager man anything you can think of is gonna be there", he said and i chuckled."you should come you know", he said and i smiled ill think about it alrite", i said and he smirked.

'hellloo!!!", i jumped as someone yelled and i turned to see a guy with a beenie on and he was smiling at me."my names crash, and i see your alex the one  this guys been talking about", he said and i chuckled and turned to brandon."oh really?", i said and he rolled his eyes grabbing a pig in a blanket."ya all the time", crash said and i smiled and chuckled."hey can i have one, man i got the munchies and the cafeteria aint open yet", he said and i chuckled and nodded and he grabbed a chocolate one."so what are you two doin up here so early? and um...were are your siblings i guess you would call them", he said and chuckled eating a bite."home they should be here soon", i said and he nodded."ya your the rich girl right?', he said and i smiled."no my step dad is though", i said and he nodded."so like is your family like all together or?", he said and i chuckled."man shut up", brandon said and took a drink of his tea."man im just asking...theres no harm bro calm down", he said and i chuckled.

"yo crash,brandon!!', i heard a yell and i turned to see another guy walking up."well hello its finally nice to meet you in person alex", he said and extended his hand and i smiled, and extended mine."whats up brandon!!", he said turning to him and he rolled his eyes."man shut up its to early for all the yellin both of ya'll", he said and  rubbed his eyes." ya cause you spent three hours with us cleaning!", he said and i chuckled."well brandon im gonna head inside", i said and stood up grabbing my bag and my milk."wait , do you want your doughnuts?", crash said and i chuckled and shook my head."you can have them", i said and he smiled."alrite thanks your a life saver", he said and set the box in his lap and began eating them."nu uh fatass you better give me one", the guy said and i chuckled as i walked away towards the school heading inside.

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