love story/Phan

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'So what you just fucked me and now you're going to leave me'!? I screamed at Dan. 'That's all I wanted from you and nothing else what don't you get Phil'? My heart ached at his words 'I thought he was different but I guess you're just like the other jerks', By then I had tears streaming down my face.

'Whatever, good bye Phil enjoy your life', Dan pushed me to the side and left my house. I just slumped down on the floor crying uncontrollably, how could he I said to my self. After a few minutes of crying I stopped I went into the restroom to splash some water on my face. I swore that I would never fall in love ever again.

~Days passed~ (cuz im a lazy mofo)

My friend Pj came over every day to make videos and play some video games. 'Hey Pj I have something to ask you',I told him kinda scared. 'What is it dude'. I took a deep breath in and just said it 'How is Dan doing'? I was ashamed of asking even tho he hurt me.

'Well Dan is kinda in the dumps, I think its because one of his relation ships but I really don't know. I don't think Pj knows about what happened between me and Dan I said to my self. 'Anyways why haven't you talked to Dan'? 'I just haven't had time to', what a crappy excuse but he bought it.

'Its getting late Phil so I have to go, see you tomorrow bye' he got up ready to leave. 'Okay, bye dude'. When Pj left I started thinking about what he said, did Dan miss me? What, no I don't think so after what he said to me.

I was getting ready to go upstairs and go to sleep when I heard a kbockt at the door, I hesitated to open it but I did. 'Dan what are you doing he-', I was cut of by Dan and his soft lips how I missed them so much. I pulled away with a questioning look, 'why are you here I thought you only wanted to use me', Dan just stood there with his head hung low. 'Look Phil I'm so sorry I didn't know what I was doing but I do now'.


I came closer to Phil and grabbed His hands, 'I really missed you and I wanted to say everything that's on my mind, those days that I spent without talking to you were a living hell and I want you to take me back'. Phil came close to me and gave me a big hug. 'Of course I do, but that day you said all that broke my heart into pieces but I still love you'.

Bamm still don't know if I should make a second part to this or not... If you would like me to just say so in the comments and I will update it later today. Bye ~scar

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