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Hey guys just got out of band practice and it was hell and also why not try to make it to a one shot


"Alright people 50 jumping jacks, 10 pushups, and 30 situps", I looked over to kyle and saw him struggling with the sit ups. I walked over to him and told him to stop, I got on the floor and showed him how to do them. He shook his head and tried his best. "Now we are going to do 6 laps around the track, also if you feel like you're going to pass out come to me".

After the 3 lap I saw kyle stumbling and soon feel. I ran to him and picked him up, I told the other band teacher to take charge and took kyle into the building. I took him into the hallways and sprayed him with water. After a few seconds his eyes opened. I gave him a bottle of water and he drank it till it was half way.

"Are you alright or would you like me to call your parents"? He stood up and leaned against a wall and trued go catch his breath. I went to him and patted his back, he stood up straight and looked down on me since I'm shorter. "Yeah I'm fine but let's change the topic, you have gorgeous eyes". Before I could say anything I felt his lips on mines.

I'm so tired guys I'm sorry this is short, but if you spent almost all day at that shit you would understand. Byeeeee ~scar

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