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So Halloween is coming up and someone asked me to do at least one or multiple Halloween one shots...I'm going to be doing that and if you want to request one go ahead.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Le Story~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"I'm sorry Johnnie but this inst working out". I put my hand on his shoulder and looked at his eyes. His eyes started watering and a few tears fell. A few sobs escaped but were hardly heard.

"B-but why, what did I do"? He asked and looked down at the floor. "You didn't do anything, I just don't want to deal with all the hate I get for dating you". I picked up his head and made him look at me.

"I love you but I can't, I had enough of everyone telling me I don't deserve you". I stepped back and felt a few tears stream down my face. "I-i have to go". I turned and walked out the apartment.


"Why.....why...why..."? I grabbed a lamp near the sofa and threw it towards a wall. I grabbed everything near me and started throwing them not caring what it breaks.

//To Be Continued//

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