Why me?...

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*hello so I wanted to do a part were Johnnie suffers with depression so here we go.... And also an announcement will be said later today*


I ran to my room and slammed the door trying to ignore everyone that tried talking to me. I locked the door and started throwing anything within my reach. I grabbed a picture frame with a picture of my family and threw it toward the mirror causing it to shatter. I started punching holes into walls throwing everything trying yo get away from the anger and pain inside me. I opened my closet and grabbed a little black treasure box I opbed it to reveal all the items I used to use a few months back.

My eyes started to water knowing that I had swore that I would never harm myself again. I grabbed a little blade that came from a sharpener, I lifted up my sweater and laid the cold blade there. I started to trace a few lines on my wrist but not causing any blood flow. I thought about everything that brought me to this moment, just hearing them telling me to kill myself. More tears started to drop until my vision was blury, I cleaned my eyes and started to create the first cut.

The blood started to drip from my wrist to the floor staining the carpet underneath me. One cut became two, two became three, I couldn't stop seeing the blood run down my hand to the floor knowing that one wrong move everything will be over. I decided to make everyone happy and just let my feeling of hate take over. My eyes looked at my artery I brought the blade to it.

I closed my eyes and slowly started to cut deeply the pain was unbearable but it had to be done. Before I had the chance of making the mistake of ending my life Kyle kicked opbed the door and ran towards me. He took away my blade and through it across the room picked me up and took me to his car. He started to drive and soon need up in the hospital, the nurses took me In a room. I felt a few tears escape my eyes, my eyes slowly started to close but before they did I saw kyle smiling but his eyes were red. 'Why did I ever think of it, I have him in my life he is the only thing I need', I thought to my self and felt Kyle kiss my for head. Before I knew it I was back in my own bed with people surrounding me even a few people that humiliated me.

Hi guys moral of the story and the story before..... Watch out what you say to people, you don't know what they might be going through. One wrong word can make their whole entire life crumble down. Also suicide is never and never will be a solution, it creates more problems and stops things from getting better.

No matter how lonely you feel there is always someone that will always the there for you, you just have to give them a chance to show you how much you mean to them. Love you all stay stround no matter what~scar

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