Birthday sex/Phan

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3 updates in one day woooo!...


'Hey Conner do you mind calling PJ,Cat,Tyler, and Charlie? I asked trying so hard not to wake Dan up. 'Sure, but why'? 'Well I wanted to surprise Dan for his birthday and what better way then throw a surprise party', you said whispering so Dan wouldn't here you.

'Ohhhh, okay dude I'll call them but when is the party'? 'Its tomorrow at 7 pm', I said in a rush. 'Okay we'll be there' Conner said with a hint of excitement in his voice. 'Okay we'll bye', I quickly hung up because I heard Dan start moving around in the bed. 'We'll good morning sleepyhead', I said in a cheerful way. Dan smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek.

~later on around 9 pm~ (cuz I'm lazy)

'Dan I'm sleepy we should go to bed we have a long day ahead tomorrow', I said almost half asleep. 'Okay well goodnight babe', he said as he turned of the lights.


I woke up early and wrote a little note saying that I had to do some errands and left it on his side of the bed. As I left the house Conner called me saying that they were going to buy the party supplies and leave them in my car and later on they are going to take Dan out the house so I could decorate. I told him okay and ended the call.

I went to hot topic and bought almost the whole store. I bought Dan a MCR along with some other band tees. I also bought some bracelets, a few chockers and a special toy ;).

~time skip to 5 pm~

I arrived back home around 4 and called Conner to come drop off the supplies and to take Dan somewhere. I heard a honk outside and saw Conner leaving the stuff and coming inside probably going to talk to Dan.

'Hey Conner what are you doing here' I asked so Dan wouldn't be suspicious. 'I came to talk to kyle' he winked at me and made his way to him. 'Hey Dan I have something to show you a few minutes from here'.


'What is it' I asked kinda sad because no one has told me happy birthday. ''You have to come and see' Conner said. I thought about it and said alright. 'Phil I'll be right back bye babe' I said walking out the door.


I heard Dan close the door and got to work, I hanged up the decorations got the cake that Conner bought out the car and order pizza. I went to go change into a black dress shirt and pants. After everything was ready I fixed Dans present, well except for the toy I out that in a tiny bag and placed it on the bed.

So there will have to be a second part to this because I don't want to make this to long.. So sorry guyssss!
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Byee ~scar

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