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"Making my way downtown Walking fast Faces pass And I'm home bound". I heard Johnnie sing while walking down the stairs. I looked at him and dropped down to the floor laughing. "You like how I look"? He said while skipping down the last few steps.

I stood up and brushed off some of the dirt, "of course I love it but why aren't you matching". "Well I couldn't decide what to wear so I just got this pink shirt and these green pants". He walked into the kitchen, and I bursted out laughing. I walked to the kitchen and sat on top of the table, "legd legd legd". I heard Johnnie making that notice directly behind me.

"Can you stop making that annoying noise"? I asked him with a annoyed look on my face. "Well can you stop looking like lady gaga"? He sassed back. "You're just jealous because I'm bootiful". I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder, Johnnie leaned into my ear and screamed "well bitch I'm fabulous". He then walked away like he was in a runway.

I through a spatula and which landes on the back of his head."SCORE"!! I screamed out making him give me a death glare. "AND THE CROWED GOES WILD WOOAHH". He walked up the stairs and slammed the door. "I KNOW YOU STILL LOVE ME THO"!! I screamed still cooking some waffels.

I heard footsteps come down the stairs and into the living room. "And you know what else"? Johnnie said from the living room. "Oh yeah I do that this stopped a while ago and you just cake up with a comback". I walked over to living room and stooped the entrance. He had red extension that reached a little below his shoulders.

"My anaconda don't, My anaconda don't want nun unless you have buns hun". I looked down to the floor trying to hold my laughter. "Well guess your anaconda has to find someone that has buns then". He turned around and walked towards me. He turned me around and slapped my ass, "well even though you're flat I guess I can make an exception".

Idk I need more ideas I, running outttttttttttt ah.

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