MDE break up

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"Hey guys I'm Jeydon wale and this is Johnnie Guilbert, Kyle David Hall, Bryan Stars, Shannon Taylor, and Alex Dorame". I trued to maintain the tears from falling. "So this will be the last of MDE, we've have had so many amazing years together and so many great memories". I looked over to Bryan and Jordan their heads hanged low.

"We started off as lonely teens and made our way up, thanks to you guys we made it this far and its all thanks to you guys". A few tears escaped my eyes. "You all are great supporters and we thank you for that but we've grown and its time for us to start our on family's", Alex spoke up while trying to hold back tears.

"We wanted to say that you all are and will always be in our hearts, and if it wasn't for you this channel would have never lifted up", Bryan said while look straight at the camera and back to all of us. "This will not be the last of My Digital Escape, we will always be here for everyone we are a family and will always be one", kyle said while hugging johnnie which was breaking down in tears.

Shannon stood up and went to go hug Johnnie, "we will always be her for each other no matter what, we will never lose contact we still will meet up from time to time and catch up". Johnnie stopped crying and said something that broke my heart, "This channel have me life to a outcast and I will forever be appreciated".

We all stood up and hold each others hand, "We are My Digital Escape and this is the end". We looked towards the camera and soon gave into a group hug. "Bye Guys", we all said in unison and ended the video.

This made me cry so much while writing it.... Leave request! Don't forget to vote and comment byeee ~scar

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