Cheater: Part 2

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All I want to do is get Dan out of my life and to forget I ever knew him. 'Give me another sir' I asked the bartender to give me about my 8 drink. 'I'm sorry sir but that is all we can serve and we won't be able to let you drive by yourself', the man said which got me upset. 'Fine... take my phone um... call the number under the name Pj' I said almost falling asleep.

~Bartender~ (just cuz)

'Is this PJ?', I said trying to hurry this along. 'Uh yes who is this', he asked. 'My name is not important, I'm calling because one of your friends is drunk out of his mind and will not be able to drive', I said giving him the address and hanging up (rude AF tho).

~30 Minutes passed~

A young brunette  arrived looking for his friend I suppose. I waved and got his attention, he walked towards my direction and his eyes quickly landed on the drunk guy. He paid his tab and took all the young mans belongings. They were soon out of my sight.


PJ called me to pick up Phil because his tire was flat I went to go pick him up and I saw in the state he was in. We drove back to my place and got out the car. Phil tried walking but fell over a couple of times. I grabbed him and put him over my shoulder and carrying him in side.

'What's going *hiccup* on' he said sounding drunk as hell. 'Shh you need to rest your out of your kind right now', I took him up to the guest room and tucked him in.



I woke up with a massive head ache, I started to hear noises down the stairs. Woah woah woah how did I get here? I thought to myself. I went down stairs and saw Dan cooking. 'Good morning', he said cheerfully. 'What am I doing here I said that I never wanted to see you again.'

'Wait Phil please let me explain just sit down and give me a chance', he said practically begged me. I gave in and sat down. 'Okay, fine I'll give you a chance to explain', I said harshly. 'Okay thank you, I wanted to surprise you for our 6 month anniversary but when I tried to get Cat to help me she got really upset and said something about me never having you and then she looked behind me and kissed me', he said and something in his eyes made me believe that it was true.

'But why would she do that' I asked kind of confused. 'I don't know but promise me that we won't let any of that happen' he said with a smile. 'Yes of course I promise I love you so much' I said almost jumping of excitement. 'I love you too'.

Sorry guys I couldn't add smut in this one because I'm with some family members and they are really framing nosey. But I promise that next one will repay for the absence in this one byee ~scar

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