Whisper challenge

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'You ready johnnie'. He just nodded and I turned on the camera. 'Hey guys I'm Kyle David Hall and this Johnnie David Hall and today we are doing the whisper challenge', I yelled even tho the camera wasn't that far. 'Johnnie do you care to explain the object of thus challenge'. 'Okay so what this challenge is about we have to put on these headphones and play really loud music, the other person has to say something and the one with the headphones on has to lip read and guess what they said'.

Me and johnnie were passing around the headphones while singing hot potato. At the end of the song I still had them in my hands. 'Guess I'm going first', I said and put them on. I put on king for a day and gave him a thumbs up.


'I like big butts and I cannot lie'. Kyle seemed to be having some trouble until he screamed big cunts are a lie. I bursted out laughing. I signaled him a 'x' and said the same phrase again. 'I like dig hutts and I carrot,wait what', he said with a confused look. I took off his head phones and said the phrase which he then said well I have no ass sooooo and then trailed off.

'I would like to suck your cock', I said while smirking. He looked down to his crotch area and smiled. 'Then go ahead I'm not stopping you'. I just acted like I was pushing him but whispered something in his ear. 'Woahhhh okay let's get this along so we can finish then'.

Kyle handed me the head phones when I put on kick me by sleeping with sirens. 'Okay', I said trying to hurry this along.


I wanted this video to be over by now because woooo I want have some actual fun. 'Okay.....I am a bad boy'. Johnnie looked stumped for a while. 'You will be a cow boy', he asked more than said it. 'Nope, I repeated what I said about two more times until johnnie finally got it. 'One more okay', he couldn't hear me but oh well. 'Johnnie will suck me tonight', I smirked at what I said. 'You will suck a carrott', johnnie said smirking. 'You're close but no'.

We stopped the music and looked yo the camera when all of the sudden I heard Johnnie singing I'm a barbie girl in a barbie world. 'Sometimes I worry about you'. (I'm so sorry this one sucks i feel so ashamed ahhh)
'Okay guys this is all for today tomorrow we will be doing a vlog at the bowling alley so yea byee'.(the next update will actually take place in a bowling alley so yea).

'Okay so I've been waiting for this you know', I said while straddling Johnnie. 'I don't know what you're talking about can you get off because I'm hungry' johnnie said while giving me a smirk. 'Don't play with me Guilbert', I said before ripping off his shirt.

Second part will come later or maybe tomorrow sorry guys

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