Chapter 38

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I was sitting down and then somebody attack me and I had fist coming towards my faces.

I look up and it was Kha'Nique. I grabbed her fist then sat her down.

"What the hell." I said looking at her. "Why would you do that to Lisa."

I looked at her confused. I really didn't know what was going on. "What are you talking about. "

"Why did you attack her."

"I didn't and what you mean attack." She told me what Lisa told her.

"She's lying I went to Omari house you can ask him." We saw Omari walking by.

"Damn what happened to your face." I ignored him. "Didn't I go to your house yesterday."

"Yea." He said looking at me & Nique. "She told me you attacked her and that you smashed her head against a wall."

"Why is she lying."

"That's your girlfriend." She said walking away. I saw Lisa and I grabbed her and brought her too the bathroom.

She thought we was having sex. She unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my pants she pulled my dxck out then put it in her mouth.

"So what happened with you yesterday." She took it out of her mouth. "I went home."

"I heard you had a little accident. " She looked at me. I put my dxck back in my pants then backed up.

"Next time don't blame me." I went out the door and left her their.

I went to my first period and then sat down.



I went to cheer practice and everybody looked at me.

I guess they knew know. The coach told us to warm up and then we had to practice.

During one of the practices I had to a be a flyer so when they put me in the air they made fall on purpose.

"You did that on purpose." I yelled at the girl that was holding me. She came close to me. "If you stopped being a hxe it would've never happen."

She walked away. Then I got called to the principal office. I entered and they told me to sit down.

Next thing I got expelled. "Just because I said he beat me up."

"That behavior is not acceptable you faked the accident you can't do that."


"Today is your last day." I walked out and then grabbed my cheerleading stuff. I walked home.

My mom is gonna bite my axs.


The Trouble 7 {Sequel to Musical Connections Rae Sremmurd}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora