Chapter 7

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    I took my time going down the stairs, tears streaming down my face. Why did I have to think that thought? Brian wouldn't leave me, he told me he loves me. I wouldn't be able to take it if he did leave, he knows that. He knows I love him with all of my heart. Maybe he will just realize that Ryan invited us all to go out as a group of friends. Doesn't he know that I'd really like to go with Kelsey and the boys? I wish he wouldn't be mad, but I don't know. I finally got to the bottom of the steps, I was crying again, even harder than before. Kelsey and Liam both looked up.

     "Love, what's wrong? Why are you crying, babe?" Liam asked me, concerned.

    "What? Oh, I got something in eye, it's nothing, anyway." I said weakly.

    "Come here, now really what's wrong?" Liam demanded. He sat me down on his lap and cradled me while I cried.

     "Well, a guy from school called me..." I responded slowly, trying not to start crying again.

    "Who called you?" Kelsey asked curiously.

     "Ryan-Ryan Barr. I-I don't know why,though."

     "Oooohh, he's cute! What did he want?"

     "He asked me if I wanted to hang out some time, he suggested like a group outing thingy and I said sure. I told him I'd bring you, Cher, Oliver, and Brian. He said that'd be great and said he'd bring a few friends, too. I said okay, so now we're all going to the mall and going bowling on Saturday. And you know how Brian gets a little jealous and protective of me, I'm just afraid-," My voice cracked, tears streamed down my face, "I'm afraid he'll be mad and leave me and-and-I-.." I couldn't continue.

     Liam wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair. 

     "You know he loves you, he would never, EVER leave you! He will understand, I promise you that, I PROMISE!" Kelsey reassured me.

     "No, Kelsey, you don't know that. He's going to be mad-mad at me for not telling him, mad at Ryan for trying to interfere with our relationship. He's just going to be mad... Maybe I should just cancel it Saturday, not tell Brian, and go spend the day with him. And like, Ryan even said it was going to be a date, he doesn't want to mess me and Brian up, though. I know he would never do that, he was just being nice is all..."

     "He loves you, he's not going to be mad, he will be happy that you all will get to go out together and be happy. Besides, I think Ryan and Brian are pretty good friends, Ryan's not going to think of you as a girlfriend."

     I started to cry again. Brian is going to be so upset with me. I just sat there and cried and cried. Liam rubbed my back, wiped my eyes, and whispered encouraging words into my ear.

    "Sssh, it's going to be okay, don't cry, baby." Liam spoke calmly and sweetly.

     I just couldn't stop crying. After a while, Liam started to sing to me.

     "You're so pretty when you cry-when you cry. Wasn't ready to hear you say goodbye, now you're tearing me apart-tearing me apart." He sang quietly and beautifully.

     "Wait! I just realized that he's going to be even more upset! I told him that I might be going with you all. He's going to be so mad at me! Kelsey! What do I do?!" I was pleading in between sobs.

     "Ssh, ssh. He is not going to be mad! He's always wanted you to be happy! If you want to go with us, he'll back you up!" Kelsey said.

     After a while, I just gave up listening and eventually fell asleep. Later that night, I woke up starving so decided to get up and get some food from the kitchen. I was about to get up when I noticed a tight arm wrapped securely around my waist. I guess Liam had carried me to the guest bedroom and fell asleep with me. Wow. That was really sweet. Maybe things weren't as bad as I thought they were. Everything was going to be okay, just fine. I decided to stay in the room with him, not wanting to wake him up. So, before I fell asleep again, I said my prayers and thanked God for blessing me, watching over me, and for the best friends and family in the entire world.

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