Chapter 33

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     *Hey guys!!!! It feels like it's been forever since I last updated!!!! Agh, I'm so afraid that this isn't going to be a great update so I'm really sorry!! Urgh, sometimes I just get so frustrated that I can't think of anything to write about!!!! So... This will probably won't be all that great :/. Okay, so here's a little bit of the last chapter, because I'm sure you don't remember anything that had happened.*

*Renee's POV*

     Harry tugged me out the door and looked at me with the biggest smile. He laughed and squeezed my hand for me to do the same. I glanced over at Niall to see him shooting knives at Harry. Cher and Kelsey gasped. Zayn had a huge smile on his face and Louis pretended to cry. 

     "You're cheating on me?" Louis whined, then laughed. "You look-and smell- amazing Renee."

     I smile and follow after Liam who seemed completely unfazed by this odd twist. We all got in the elevator and rode down in silence and piled into the van. This time, I sat in between Harry and Niall. Niall was extremely mad and would not look up or talk. I just wonder what was going to go down tonight.

*Niall's POV*

     I didn't want to look up at anyone. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I knew that when me and the rest of the lads got together in private, all we'd talk about is her an Harry. I can hear them now, 'Good job, she's a great person. You're very deserving of her.' No, he's not. I honestly don't know what all I will do to Harry when I got him in private. All I know is he's going to pay. First, I just have to get through tonight.

*Harry's POV*

     I'm only worried about one thing in my plan...

     What if I fall for Renee?

*Niall's POV (new update)*

     Sitting next to Renee in the car ride up here... I don't know, I would have enjoyed it if her and Harry hadn't been sitting there whispering and giggling all this crap that no one could understand. Oh well, maybe getting some Nando's will help me feel better, think better, understand everything better. I'm just not going to think about it, just gonna worry about my chicken wrap and curly chips...

     I mean, when did this even start up anyway? They'd always been friends and would talk, but I never could see them ever ending up together. And hadn't I heard Harry mention some other girl anyway? What was her name? Maddie? Molly? I know he mentioned him talking to someone. Why was he suddenly interested in my Renee? What was his problem? 

     "We're here Niall, come on." Liam was standing outside the van with the door open. 

     "I'm coming."I climbed out to see everyone watching and waiting on me.

     I walked behind everybody and waited for everyone else to order before I did. I wasn't bothered when Renee let Harry order for her. I wasn't bothered when he would lean over and whisper something in her ear to make her laugh. Even though that's what should have been doing, it didn't bother me. 

     "Excuse me." I got up to go to the restroom. I pulled out my phone and dialed Whitney's number.

     "Hello?" She answered. 

     "Hey, are you busy? I just thought that maybe, if you wanted, you could meet me and the lads at Nandos. We've got some girls we want you to meet."

     "Sure, that'd be good. I'll be there in half an hour! Bye!" 

     We'll just see how this goes.

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