Chapter 8

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     I woke up in the morning feeling absolutely wonderful. I slept well last night, didn't cry like I thought I would. Liam's being such a sweetheart with putting up with all this crap and drama. He's treating me like we've been best friends for forever. Everything is going to be okay. Liam was already up, so I grabbed some clothes and headed for the bathroom. I took a quick shower, washed my hair and body, and got out. I put on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt, half way toweled dry my hair, and headed back into the bedroom. I headed down stairs, I heard Liam and Kelsey singing Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran. Their harmonies together sounded really pretty.

     "Morning!" I called out amiably.

     "Morning, beautiful! Sleep well?" Liam asked me, clearly happy to see me feeling better. 

     "Yes, I did. Thanks for taking care of me, I know we've known each other for only a few hours and you have treated me like we've known each other for years. Thank-you, you're really sweet." I said with a smile.

     "No problem, love. Ever since you ran up to me yesterday, you've reminded me of one of my sisters. So that's how I think you now." 

     "Thanks, so what are we doing today? I was thinking maybe we could go-" I started to say.

     "We are going to be practicing, all day. Me and Kelsey are anyway." Liam interrupted.

     "But, me and Renee were going to the mall to Christmas shop, and get some outfits for the party and for tomorrow." Kelsey whined.

     "I don't know, we've got a lot of work to do, and I'm only here for a week more. Then the guys will show up on Tuesday, I thought you would want to practice and get pretty good before they showed up. You've got a week, then I leave, and then in a month, you're already having to sing with us on tour. We don't really have time, tomorrow you're doing that thingy, Sunday you have church..." Liam explained.

     "Please, Liam. I promise I'll work extra hard all next week, please. We really do need to go shopping. Please." Kelsey pleaded.

     "I don't know, Kelsey. We don't ha-"

     "Liam! Please!" Kelsey whined.

     "Fine, on one condition, though." Liam explained to her.

     "Oh. My. Gosh. What?" Kelsey sassed.

     "Don't get snappy with me, or else you won't get to go today and you'll stay here and sing till dark tonight." Liam spat back.

     "Fine. Liam, darling, what is it that you need?"

     "I get to come with you, and I get to drive."

     "Whatever, but if you get mobbed, we're leaving you."

     "You might leave, but I know Renee won't. Right Renee?" Liam directed the conversation to me.

     "I am in no part of this at all." 

     "That was a yes." Liam said with a smirk.

     "Okay, okay. Get ready then, I want to leave as soon as possible. We've got a long day ahead of us." Kelsey said.

     About an hour and a half later, we were all ready to go. We said goodbye to Sharon and Charlie. I called mom and told her that we were going out, she said it was okay. We all climbed into the car, Liam driving, me riding shotgun, and Kelsey in the middle in the backseat. Liam turned on the radio, switching stations when one got fuzzy. We sat there in silence for the first few minutes, only speaking up to sing along to the radio. The mall was about an hour's drive away, so we had quite a while to sit and talk. Finally, we found a decent channel. After a few songs, What Makes You Beautiful came on.

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