Chapter 13

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     Whoa, okay, so some random girl just answered his cell phone. What the crap?! Who is this?! Why is she at his house? Or are they out somewhere together? Oh my gosh, is he cheating on me?! Wow. I need Kelsey and Cher, right now. I call Kelsey's house and she answers after the first ring.

     "Hey, I'm coming over again. Is that okay? I really need to talk to you and Cher, maybe even Liam..." My voice was quivering and she could tell.

     "Oh my gosh, what's wrong?! What happened?!" She asked, concerned.

     "I'll explain it to you when I get there." I said.

     "Okay, do you need Liam to come to pick you up?"

     "Yeah, that'd be good." I sniffled.

     "Okay, he'll be there in a minute." She said trying to cheer me up.

     I told mom I was going back over to Kelsey's house. She asked why and asked why I was crying. I told her I just really needed to talk to my best friends and I told her there was nothing wrong. She was clearly unconvinced but let me go anyway. I packed a bag real quick and then Liam's car pulled up. But Niall came up to the door instead of Liam.

     "You okay?" He smiled.

     "Yeah, I'll be alright." I tried to sound cheery and upbeat.

     "You ready to go then?" He asked as he took my hand.

     I just nodded. He led me to the car and opened my door for me. 'He is such a gentleman', I thought. He backed out of the driveway and onto the main road. We sat in awkward silence the entire way there. He kept looking over at me but I looked straight ahead, not wanting to talk. I was afraid I'd start crying. Finally, we got back to her house. They were all standing out on the porch, waiting. I got out of the car slowly. Niall grabbed my bags, then my hand. We walked up to the porch. They all came and gave me big hugs, I tried to be tough, and walk all the way through it. Me, Kelsey, and Cher went up to Kelsey's room. That's where I broke.

     "Okay, what's wrong? Like seriously! What the crap happened?" Kelsey asked.

     "Um, well, when I went home, I decided to call Brian, and-and-and, well someone else answered..." I said as I began to cry again.

     "Well who was it?" Cher asked.

     "That's the thing, I don't know. It was a girl, and like I didn't recognize the voice." I explained.

     "Well call his house phone or something! Maybe, like-we don't know what all is going on. So call his house, here use my home phone." She handed me her phone. I dialed his house number.

     His mom answered the phone. "Hello!" She always seemed to be so happy.

    "Um, hey. It's me, Renee."

     "Oh, hello Renee, how are you sweetheart? Are you looking for Brian? He's busy right now, he's tutoring some girl from West Bound High, she's doesn't really understand algebra 2. But I'll go get him." She said.

     "Okay, thanks!" Maybe he was just tutoring some random chick. That'd make me feel a little bit better.

     "Hey baby! Watcha need?"

     "Who's at your house? Why did she answer your phone? What grade is she in? Huh? Do care that I'm all torn up inside, worried that you've decided to give up on me? I'm not mad, I just want to know, what the piss is going on." I said. He was quiet for a few minutes.

     "Her name is Valerie, I don't know when she answered my phone, I've been here with her the entire time, she's in 11th grade. And baby, of course I care, I didn't know you were so worried. I'm just tutoring her in algebra, nothing else." He said, growing angry himself.

     "Why didn't you tell me? I just want answers." I said, tears streaming down my face again.

     "It's none of your business! I can tutor anybody any time I want. I don't need your permission to do anything!" He screamed into the phone.

     "I just didn't know what you were doing! Why are yelling at me?" I sobbed into the phone.

     In the background, I heard. "Brian! Where'd you go? I need your help! Please! I need you!"

     "One more question, what room are you all in?" I whispered.

      "My bedroom! Got a problem with that?" He yelled and then hung up.

      That killed me. I'm dead now. What are they doing? Are they really studying algebra? I have my doubts. Kelsey and Cher asked what he said, but I just zoned out. I just sat there and stared into space. It was almost as if I was possessed. At some point, I started to freak out. I screamed and kicked, cried my eyes out, beat anything and everything that was in my way. I was no longer sad, I was pissed off. Who the ell does he think he is?

     "What time is it?" I asked anyone who was listening.

     "It's 7:30. Why?" Cher asked suspiciously.

     "Do you think one of the guys could drive me over to his house?" I asked.

     "I don't really know if that's a good idea or not Renee..." Kelsey started.

     "No, no. We're just going to talk everything out like a normal person." I told her.

     "Okaaaayy, I guess we can ask one of the guys." She said.

     We went downstairs where all the guys were sitting around, still watching Saturday Night Live. I walked in and they looked up.

     "Hey, how are you babe? What's happened?" Liam asked.

     "Oh, everything's fine. I just need one of you to drive me over to Brian's house really quick. It'll only take a few minutes." I said sweetly.

     "Um, yeah, sure, I can take you." Harry offered.

     "No, I can take her, it's fine. I was getting bored anyway." Niall said.

     We walked out to the car together and headed down the road again. We just sat there quietly while I tried to plan out what exactly I was doing. Niall spoke up after a few minutes.

     "You know, if you need to talk, I'm right here. I know you don't really know me, but, we're going to be really close in the next few months. So, not trying to be nosy or anything, but will you tell me what happened?" He asked sweetly.

     "There was some random chick in his bedroom. I called him, she answered. Now I want answers, I called him but he just got mad about it so now, I'm going to get my answers." I said with a smirk.

     "Ummmm, okay." He sounded scared.

     "I'm not crazy, I promise. My mother had me tested!" I said trying to crack a joke.

     "Really? Cuz I'm not so sure." He laughed.

     I just stuck my tongue out at him. We finally got to his house. I got out of the car.

     "Hey, do you need me to go in too?" He asked. He was totally serious.

     "No, I'm good. I'll call you when I need you." I said as I walked up the front steps. As I was about to knock on the door, some girl walked out, followed by Brian.

     I got back in the shadows, not wanting them to see me just yet. She went in to give him a hug, but he stuck his hand out for a shake instead. Wow, maybe I jumped to conclusions too fast.

     "Goodnight!" She called out.

     He had already gone back into the house. I went and knocked on the door. He was there in just a few seconds.

     "Renee? What are you doing here?" He was obviously confused.

     "I just wanted to talk. May I come in?" I asked, not wanting to fight just yet.

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