Chapter 34

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     *Hey guys!!!!!! How's your all's lives? Anyway, I hope you guys aren't mad at me for having waited forever to update!!! I've had a crap load of homework and I barely got a chance to update this chapter. I hope you guys still stick with me even though I give updates once every one or two weeks!!! And even then they're all crappy and short and not worth reading!!! Anyway, I hope you guys like this update... I didn't really know what to write about this time, so if you have any ideas to kind of get something going, just inbox me!!!!! Love you guys and I hope you like this!!!!*

*Renee's POV*

     It's been a week since we all went out to eat with Whitney. She's been with us almost every day since then. She's starting to seem a little bit better-with her attitude towards everyone and stuff, I mean. She'll shoot me kind of dirty looks when I'm talking to him-or trying to anyway, his attention is always directed to her. We're getting along okay other than that. We talk, we've become kind of friends I guess. As long as she's not worrying over who's going to snatch Niall up, it's okay.

     Like right now, me, her, Kelsey and Cher are all sitting around, talking, and waiting on the guys to finish getting ready for their performance. It's all going good, no fights, no one's trying to make it obvious that my all of us are kind of unsure about how to feel about Whitney.

     The thing Harry decided to start up between us is still going strong. Even though Niall seems almost unfazed by this, I still sometimes notice him glancing over at us when Harry tries to pull something. 

     "Wish us luck ladies." Harry smiles. The rest of the boys walk in, with their cute little outfits on. 

     "Break a leg." Whitney kisses Niall on the cheek as he flashes a smile and runs out on the stage.

     "Alright girls, what do you want to do?" Whitney plops down on the couch. "Want to play truth or dare but just without the dare? If that made any sense at all."

    "So, just ask each other questions about ourselves?" Kelsey asked.

     "Yeah, if we're going to be spending a lot of time together, why don't we get to know each other."

     "Okay, who wants to start?"

     "How about the person to your left gets to ask you your questions." Cher said.

     "Okay, this'll work."

     Just my luck, Whitney was to my left.

Whitney's POV*

     "Okay, who wants to start?" I asked.

     "Cher can go ahead and ask my truth." Kelsey said.

     "So... What's going on between you and Zayn?" She asked over-dramatically.

     "What the heck are you talking about?! There's nothing going on!" 

     "Haha, sure."

     "There's really not anything going on. If there was, I'd tell you, but there's not." She smiled.

     "You promise?" I said. "I've seen you guys together and you seem pretty close." She raised her eyebrows up and down.

     "I promise! There is absolutely nothing going on!" She laughed.

     "Okay... We'll believe you for now, but if we see anything suspicious at all, you have to tell us what's going on!"

     "Okay!" She yelled.

     "Alright! It's my turn to ask you a question!" Renee points at Cher. "How's it going with you and Liam? I know that you've always been into him, how are you doing with it all?"

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