Chapter 12

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     *****Okay hey guys, just sayin' hey. So, hey. Okay, enjoy, and I hope it doesn't suck!! Xxx*****

     Monday went by slowly. All I did was wait, wait for the rest of the guys to show up. I was so excited! I didn't bother Kelsey any that day because she had to practice a lot where she hadn't been in the last few days. I called Cher and told her all about everything and she said that she got to go with us, too! Okay, so like when she told me that, I almost died. She said where she was going into business when she got older, she was going to help set up dates and all this other stuff for the guys, to like get ready for "life". Anyway, I was really excited. Now all of my best friends were getting to go, so I wouldn't have to worry about leaving anyone behind. But really, other than that, I did absolutely nothing that day.


     I woke up early this morning to get ready to meet the rest of the guys. I wanted to look presentable, you know, not like I was a total slouch. I rode up at about 9:00 that morning. Liam said they wouldn't be up until like 11:00. Cher showed up at around 10:30. I ran up and gave her a hug, ecstatic that she got to go with us.

    "So how long have you known that you were coming with us?" I asked her because I had absolutely no idea.

     "Well, I actually didn't know until last night when my mom told me. Um, she said that I had to start packing, and I was like 'for what' and she was like 'you're going on tour with Kelsey, Renee, and One Direction for a few months'. So of course, I died and yeah, so here I am." She had the biggest grin on her face now.

     "Agh! I'm just so excited! I can't believe this!" I squealed.

     Right after I screamed that out, there was a knock at the door. We all froze, Kelsey almost passed out, and well, where Cher liked Liam so much, she just sat there grinning at Liam. I rushed up to the door that Liam was about to open and swung it open myself. There stood four of the five most beautiful guys ever. Zayn was right in front.

     "Hi!" I said cheerfully, trying not to fangirl, trying to remain calm, but my voice was strangely about four octaves above normal.

     I heard something hit the floor. I assumed Kelsey had just passed out, but I didn't go help her, my feet were glued to the floor and I was not about to look away from them. I heard Cher try to get her up and back on the couch.

     "Um, ello. May we come in?" Louis asked in that sweet accent of his.

     I couldn't speak. Liam spoke up instead. "Yeah, come on in." He had to move me out of the way and help me to my seat. And then finally, Kelsey woke up-and then started hyperventilating.

     "Is she going to be okay?" Zayn asked clearly weirded out.

     "Oh, yeah, she'll be fine. I told you she would act this way. I tried to prepare her for it, but I guess she just wasn't ready." Liam explained.

     "Okay, good. Well, I would introduce myself, but I guess you know who we are already. So what are you all lassies' names?" Niall asked in his irish accent, which pretty much made my ovaries explode.

     None of us spoke up, so once again Liam had to speak for us.

     "This is Kelsey, the one who just fainted. This is Renee, the one who usually has a lot to say but suddenly can't talk." Liam told them.

     "I'm Cher." Cher said.

     "Well, it's really nice to meet you all. I'm really excited to be going on tour with you all." Harry said as he bent down to give us each a hug and a kiss on the cheek. That just killed me.

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