Chapter 41

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*Niall's POV*

When I told Renee this, it broke her heart. So many different emotions played across her face. Heartbreak, frustration, anger, confusion.

"What do you mean? Is it because things are all getting complicated or did we do something wrong?" She stutters out. She looks as if she's about to cry.

"He just didn't like what happened tonight and he thinks that maybe that we should a small break from everything right now..." It pained me to say it all.

"Okay. I mean if he feels this way, we can all go... Well, I'm going to bed. I think we all need some rest and time to settle. I'll see you in the morning." She says, gives me a quick kiss and rushes into the bathroom before I have a chance to say or do anything else.

"You still don't know anything about her!" Harry shot back angrily. Harry and Liam were in their third heated discussion this morning, and it was only 10:30. Paul and all us were trying to figure out what we were going to do. 

"I don't care. She should have known better!" Liam spat threw gritted teeth.

"Fine, maybe this'll make you understand. Her parents were druggies and alcoholics. She always had to fend for and take care of herself. She had absolutely no one to go to. Her father died of a drug overdose when she was 15 and soon after her mother got a new boyfriend who ran her off. She ran away and had to sleep where ever she could find a place warm enough. She dropped out of high school to start a job in that tattoo parlor, if she didn't make any money, she wouldn't have any money to buy her food and clothes. She finally got up enough money to buy a small apartment and start a halfway decent life. So, now you know. She never had any friends, so that's why she's always-you guys say annoying, I say eager-wanting to make friends. She's had the roughest life I've ever heard of. You want to judge her and get angry at her now?!" He screamed the last part and stomped out of the room without another word.

No one said a word. "I had no idea." Zayn spoke up after several moments of awkward silence. "I guess we really should give her more of a chance."

"I don't know... I think everyone needs to go home for a few weeks so we can try to get the media to settle down about everything. We can see if things get better and then they're welcome to come back." Paul says.

Once again, no one says anything. "I mean, I think the girls probably need a break from us too. I'm going to think on it a little bit, though. I'll have my decision made sometime soon. Not today, but soon." With that, he also got up and left the room. 

 "So, he wants the girls to leave?" Louis asks.

"That's pretty much what he just said, Lou." Zayn said.

"I'm not going to let that happen. Eleanor was really excited about flying in and meeting them next week. What if he gets rid of the girls and then bans Eleanor too? No, we've got to do something." He stands up. 

"Well, what do you plan to do, Lou? Once Paul makes up his mind, there's nothing we can really do. They might get to come back later, but I don't think they'll be with us for much longer and it'll be a while before they come back." Liam says.

I really didn't want to hear any of this. "Before we do anything, I say we get Renee and everybody, explain to them the things about Molly, and go apologize." I say, heading to the door. "If you feel the same way, you'll follow me." I leave before anyone can say anything else. I hear the door open again as I head down the hallway. I walk into Renee's room without knocking and find her, still lying in bed, watching T.V. "I've never seen you lay around like this. Is something wrong?" I ask as I plop down next to her.

"Is Paul really going to send us all away? I've been up all night thinking about it. Have you talked to him about it?" She asks, avoiding my question all together.

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