Chapter 9

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*****Okay so like I thought that my friends were the only ones reading this, but there's this girl-@ilove wesley- she like commented on it so I was like oh my gosh!! Okay so anyway I just got really excited!! Lln.*****

     I woke up at 6:30 this morning to Brian singing More Than This again. I felt like I could cry, but I was really pissed off, too. I really don't know what my problem is. Or his. Or why the entire freaking world was trying to ruin my life. So anyway, I went and got a shower really quick. I threw my outfit for the day in a bag along with my make-up and hair stuff and was out the door before my parents were even up. It was still dark out but I didn't care. Who cares if I get attacked by-like-a bear or a hobo or rapist gorilla or whatever? Well actually that last one was scary. When I arrived at Kelsey's house, the living room light was already on. Sharon has to get up early for work. I just kind of barged in the door. Liam was sitting on the couch, drinking some coffee, and watching the morning news. Nice, just like dad does.

     "Morning, darling! Why, don't you look so cheery!" He said sarcastically.

     "Shut-up." I said bluntly. "Is Kelsey even up yet?" I asked getting angry if she wasn't.

     "She's in the shower right now. And babe, come on, why are you so upset? You know Brian didn't mean that last night." He told me.

     "Didn't mean what? How do you know that he didn't tell me he loves me?" I questioned.

     "I could just tell by the way you acted. If he's going to be that way towards you, you're better off without him."

     "No! No I'm not! You don't know how much he means to me!" I screamed as the tears started to flow.

     "I know how you feel about him, but if he's just going to get mad over the little things like that, you don't need him."

     "Yes I do!" I tried to say as my body racked with sobs.

     "Hey, hey, hey! Renee, honey, you're going to wake Charlie up! Now what's wrong?" Sharon asked.

     "Nothing, nothing at all." I said as I marched up the stairs.

     Kelsey was just coming out of the bathroom. She was starting to work on her hair.

     "Hey, I heard yelling downstairs, are you okay?" She was concerned.

     "No, not really but it doesn't matter. We've got to be ready to go by 9:30, I think we're all going up there by 10:30 or 11:00..." I explained to her.

     "Okay, if we start to get to work now, we should be ready... Come on, let's go fix your hair."

     She led me into her bedroom and began to work on my hair. We curled it with little braids through out my hair. Kelsey's hair is a little bit shorter, so her's took a little bit more time and work, but it looked good after we finished. We went down stairs to get something to eat before we started to work on our make-up. I was starting to feel the slightest bit better. Liam was trying to cheer me up.

     "Well don't you look lovely!" He said cheerily.

      "Thank-you, Liam!" Kelsey exclaimed.

     "Thanks." I mumbled.

     Liam gave me an apologetic look. It clearly read, "I'm really sorry that you feel bad, but get over yourself, you're better than this.

     "We're just going to get something to eat. Oh, and by the way, will you drive me and Renee up to the mall? And pick us up after it, too?" Kelsey asked.

     "I don't know, I'm supposed to watch Charlie today, so he'd have to be there in the car with us..." Liam was clearly trying to get out of it. 

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