Chapter 32

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*Renee's POV*

     I went over to knock on Cher and Kelsey's doors to have them come to my room. Neither one of them came out or answered. It's all so weird. I went back to my room to watch some more T.V. About hours of sitting there watching Dowton Abbey, there was a knock on my door.

     "Who is it?" I yelled.

     "It's Harry, may I come in?" Gosh, I love his voice and his accent.

     "Yeah, just a second!" I went to open the door. "What's up?" 

     "Well, we're leaving to go to dinner soon, but I wanted to talk a little first." He walked in a plopped down on the bed.

     "What is it?"

     "It's about Niall. Do you know what's up with him? Like, before you guys came, he was in a really good mood, like better than usual, but when you all walked in Starbucks, he seemed really sad, maybe even angry." He said with wide eyes.

    "Crap. I went over there and talked to him about it and he said nothing was wrong. He said he was tired and didn't feel like talking-but that was when I tried talking to him in the car and the elevator. Do you think he doesn't want us here?"

     "No, I don't think that's it. He had been so happy here lately though. I mean, him and Whitney seemed to have hit it off, they've been together so much lately."

     My eyes bulged. "Who's Whitney?"

     "Niall and Whitney have been out on a few dates now, I think they've even shared a little bit of snog." He smiled. "No one's ever made him so happy. Well, maybe once or twice, but not much." He said simply.

     I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach, the air knocked out of my lungs. "He's-he's seeing someone else?" I felt the tears come to my eyes.

     "Yeah, they're good together. What's wrong?" He rubbed my back.

     "Nothing." The tears started to flow and I didn't try to stop them or hold anything back.

    "Hey, I know you and Niall were getting close and how much he liked-loved-you, but I thought you were with Ryan or Brian?" 

     "He let me go. We're done. I thought maybe..." I let a sob.

    He held me closely and tried to assure me everything was fine but it was useless. I was just some pathetic loser that bawled over every little thing that didn't go my way. "Okay, I'm going to stop this and go clean myself up. Thanks so much for everything Harry, it means a lot." I gave him a small smile and walked to the bathroom.

     "You know," He called out as he followed me in, "You could always try to make him jealous-you and I could pretend-well it wouldn't really be pretend, but we could pretend to be really close tonight and from now on. Now, I'm going to go look through your clothes to see what you should wear. You'll want to look really, really nice to make this work!" 

     "Harry! I am not doing this! I don't want to sabotage his relationship with her! If he's happy, then good. I don't care anymore." I turned to wash my face.

     "Too late! You've fallen into my devious plot to ruin his relationship! Come on, it's not going to do any real damage if they're really serious though. If he's so into her, then he won't pay any attention to you."

    "That makes me feel so much better, thank-you so much." I mumbled sarcastically.

    He walked in the bathroom carrying my red sweater dress and brown leather boots. "Here, put these on, and then we'll see what we'll do with your hair and make-up." He turned to leave.

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