Chapter 36

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*Niall's POV*

     I woke up next to Renee. I had forgotten that I had been here last night. So I almost freaked out, but when I saw that she was still asleep, I tried to stop it. She looked so peaceful and sweet when she was asleep, she didn't look worried like she usually did, or upset or mad, just cute. Wow, I'm weird. I'm sitting here watching her sleep like some kind of freaking stalker. We didn't have to do anything today except for leave later tonight so we all got to sleep in. I got really bored and decided I'd go do something before she woke up so I went down to the breakfast area to get something to eat. 

     "Good morning, Mr. Horan. May I help you?" The head chef asked. 

     "No, thank-you. I'm just going to get me a muffin and some doughnuts and probably some tea." I grabbed me a plate and picked out all that I wanted. "Thank-you." I turned and went back to her room. I stopped and decided to get her something to eat, too. I made her a plate about the same as mine with some coffee. I then left. Good thing I was smart enough to get the room key out of her wallet before I left.

     I quietly sat down beside of her and began to eat. I grabbed the remote and turned the T.V. on and pushed the volume down. It was about another half an hour before she woke up. 

     She freaked out like I did. "What's going on? We didn't do anything last night did we?! Crap, I'm screwed." She looked like she was ready to cry. "Oh my gosh Niall! You knew that I wasn't like that! Why don't I remember anything?! Oh, did you use protection? Gosh, what if I'm pregnant?!"

     Okay, I have absolutely no idea where she got all this stuff, but it was really worrying me. "Renee, you know I'd never do that to you or hurt you. I just came over to talk to you about what happened in the dressing room. Remember?"

    Relief washed over her face. "Oh. Yeah. Woo, I was scared there for a minute."

     "Yeah, it's okay. Here, I brought you some breakfast." I handed over her plate.

     "Thanks." She flashed a shy smile.

     "Ya know, just because I accidentally did that yesterday and accidentally kind of spent the night, it doesn't mean it has to be weird between us."

     She laughed in my face. "I think it's going to be pretty hard for it not to be awkward."

     "Maybe. But we've made things like this work in the past before."


     "So, what do you want to do today? We've got plenty of time before we have to get ready to get on the plane." I asked.

     "I dunno. I figured Whitney'd be looking for you by now."

     "Nah," I looked at my phone. "It's just 9:30, she's still asleep." She nodded her head. "You guys don't get along do you? You girls and her?"

     "At first, I was pretty sure she was going to like, kill us all, but now, we're getting along. We're pretty good friends. Why? Does she talk about me behind my back?" She laughed.

     "No, I just thought that, you and her would clash because of..." I wasn't going to finish I what I had started.

     She eyed me. "Because of what? Does she know what happened between us?" She smiled that shy smile again.

     "Umm, I don't know. Maybe. I think she just gets jealous of you."

     She laughed out loud. "Why-in the world-would she-be jealous of-me?!" She said between gasps.

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