Help Wanted!!!

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           Okay, so like for one thing I want to thank-you all for reading, fanning, voting, and commenting!!! It makes me smile and feel so glad that I have fans like you!!! I just got over 500 reads!!! I didn't think I'd ever get here!!! Honestly, I think my story sucks, but I've got so many positive comments and things back!! Thank-you all so much!!!

           Anyway, I'm sure you all are wondering why this is a "Help Wanted" thangy rather than an update. Well, I know that right now the story is dragging on, it's boring, it's a bunch of overly dramatic crap-and I'm sorry that it's not better than it is right now. So, what I need is some help. I kind of know what I want to do but I don't really know how I should do it. The first person to message me or maybe even comment (I'd rather you message me) gets to help and have their input-I don't know, I guess put in? I don't really know if anyone will want to, but... Haha, I don't know. So, if you want to, please, please, please, help me!!! Thank-you all so much!!!!!! I love you all!!!! 


                                                        Amber Xxx :)

P.S. Also, dedicated to @DimplesAreMine. She is great for making my wonderful covers!!!!!!

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