Chapter 18

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     "Morning beautiful." He whispered in my ear.

     "Morning." I grumbled back. It's not my fault, I'm not a morning person.

     He totally ignored my attitude. "Hey, you wanna run to Starbucks with me real quick?" He asked.

   "No, I have to go back home. Mom and dad probably think I've moved out of the house, I'm never there." I laughed.

     "Okay, well, I could drive you up there on my way out."

     "Sure that'd be good." I mumbled.

     "Do you need to get anything? Like clothes or makeup or whatever?" 

     "No, I'm ready when you are." 

     "I'm going to put on some jeans and a t-shirt." He said. Oh my gosh, I hadn't even noticed that he was just in some old sweat pants. What is wrong with me?!

     I sat down on the couch again, turned the T.V. on and watched the news. I know that sounds stupid but I like the news. Then I got hungry and went to the kitchen and made me some toast. It took him forever, like legit 35 minutes to get ready, and he said all he was doing was puting on some clothes to wear out. He walked back into the room.

     "You ready?" He asked.

     "Yep." I got up off the couch and headed out the door.

     While we were driving down the road, everything was fine. We were talking, and we were almost to my house. It was still kind of dark out, it being winter and all, so we weren't really paying any attention when the deer ran out in the middle of the road.

     "Oh my gosh! Niall!" I screamed.

     He swerved but still hit it. We both jumped out of the car and ran to the deer.

     "I didn't see him! Why would he run out in the road like that? Oh my gosh, is he dead? What are we going to do?" He rambled on and on. He was pretty scared too.

     "Niall, calm down. It's still alive, it's leg is twitching, see? Okay, now, it will get up in a few minutes. Its okay, trust me, we barely hit it. It's going to be okay." I spoke softly and reassuringly hoping he would calm down.

     "Are you sure he's alright?" He asked. He looked as if he was close to tears. Aw! 

     Right as he said that, the deer slowly got up to it's feet. He stood there for a moment but then ran off into the woods again.

     "See? It's okay, it wasn't bleeding or anything. It didn't even mess up Sharon's car." I pointed out.

     "Okay." He said quietly and got back in the car. I followed suit and we headed to my house.

     "Hey, but I'll get to see you tonight before the party right?" He asked.

     "You should, why?" 

     "We have to catch a plane late tonight. We want to go home to our families for Christmas. It'd be nice if we could all spend it together but, I guess that's not going to work out. I mean, we'll see each other again here in a few weeks for the tour, right?"

     "Yeah, it won't be so bad. I mean, I'd say you better enjoy this time without us, 'cause by the time the tour's over, you'll all want to kill yourselves. We're pretty hard to handle." I said.

     "I'm sure your not that bad." He pulled me up to the door of my house. I got out and went to the door. I waved him goodbye as he backed out and headed down the road. I got my key out and unlocked the door. Mom and dad were already at work. It seemed they were never here. I'm never here either. 

Change Your Mind (n.h)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz